210.1S sec. 002 - Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law (Summer 2023)
Instructor: Bruce A Budner (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
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Units: 3
Grading Designation: Graded
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
MTuWThF 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Law 145
From June 06, 2023
To June 23, 2023
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 35
As of: 08/24 11:52 PM

This course is a practical exploration of the varied and often competing duties and influences that guide lawyers’ conduct.
These duties derive largely from written rules and case law. The ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which have been adopted in one form or another by every state, will be our particular focus. The MPRE exam is based on these rules. We will also consider the major differences between the ABA Model Rules and California’s version of them.
But we will drill much more deeply than a mere study of rules and cases. This course will challenge you to understand the limitations of the rules and to reflect on how you would (or do) conduct yourselves when facing a variety of ethical dilemmas.
We will explore a range of ethical problems faced by practicing lawyers. We will consider litigation and transactional matters, civil and criminal cases, and the particular concerns of prosecutors and other government lawyers. We will assess the kinds of ethical and moral decisions lawyers must make and the many consequences of those decisions.
Classes will contain lectures but will primarily feature an extended conversation among the whole class about a series of current ethical cases and hypothetical problems. The hypos are designed to mirror genuine practice situations that also could be on the bar exam.
The problems largely defy the idea of a “correct” answer. We will focus on those difficult cases that fall in the interstices of the rules, a place where common sense and a moral compass offer necessary guidance. They are intended to draw out varying points of view. You are encouraged to offer your own experiences and values as well as your country’s different approaches into the discussions.
Requirements Satisfaction:
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Exam Notes: (TH) Take-home examination
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Bar Courses
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