
Your Paper and Panel

The program includes 10 panels that were proposed as organized units to the program committee.  The remaining papers (submitted and accepted on an individual basis) will be assembled into thematic panels by the program committee.  Panel sessions are scheduled to run for 1 hour and 40 minutes and contain between 3-4 papers.  Most panels assembled by the program committee will not have a designated “commentator” assigned to them.  We are eager that ample time be available for the discussion of your and your colleagues’ papers.   In preparing your paper for delivery, you should plan on a presentation of about 15-20 minutes in length.

Posting Your Abstract and Paper

The submitted Title and Abstract of your paper will be posted on the conference web site [Papers].  Any changes you wish to make to your title or abstract need to be received by June 30.  Please send your changes directly to ISUS@law.berkeley,edu.

You also will have the opportunity to post the text of your paper on a dedicated conference Working Papers site.  We hope all participants will choose to post their papers in advance of the meeting.  (Posting your paper on the conference web site, of course, does not preclude your posting the paper on another site or later publishing it in a traditional academic venue.)  You will receive separate instructions in July concerning the advance posting of Conference Papers.

Please continue to send questions concerning conference arrangements to: ISUS@law.berkeley,edu.

Graduate Student Paper Prize

A Graduate Student Paper Prize will be awarded to the best student paper presented at ISUS.  The Prize will include a small monetary award, possible publication in Utilitas, and huge honor!  Graduate Student presenters will be contacted by email later this summer and given instructions for submitting your paper to the prize competition.  You should anticipate that a written version of the paper, mirroring the oral conference presentation, will be due for submission to the Prize Committee by August 15.