Apart from their assigned mod courses, 1L students may only enroll in courses offered as 1L electives. A complete list of these courses can be found on the 1L Elective Listings page. 1L students must use the 1L class number listed on the course description when enrolling.
286.81 sec. 001 - Transgender Rights & The Law (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Milo Manopoulos Beitman
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 1
Grading Designation: Credit Only
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
Tu 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 10
From January 14, 2025
To February 25, 2025
Course End: February 25, 2025
Class Number: 33036
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 30
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 30
As of: 01/16 03:35 AM
This course will explore the landscape of relevant legal principles that impact the transgender community. These include the laws around name and gender marker changes, anti-discrimination law in employment, housing, education, and public accommodations; and access to healthcare including transition-related care and trans parentage. We will also examine the criminalization of transgender people, particularly transgender people of color, the resulting rates of incarceration, and the disproportionate violence transgender people face in prison. We will be reading several texts including case law, interdisciplinary scholarship, commentary on current events and engage in discussions about the future of transgender rights in the legal and political landscape. In this seminar, students should expect to explore the role of advocacy and legal reform in advancing transgender equality.
This course will have a series of short response papers.
As director of the Health & Welfare unit at East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC), Milo primarily advocates for individuals living with HIV, women of color, and folks of trans experience, so that they may access and maintain public benefits and stable housing. He also supervises UC Berkeley Law School’s monthly student-led Name and Gender Change Clinic.
Prior to joining EBCLC, Milo was a staff attorney at Legal Assistance for Seniors supporting older adults and those living with disabilities to access public benefits, health law and housing.
Milo is a transmasculine white passing immigrant who hopes to keep leveraging his privileges to uplift and contribute to our trans communities of color. In his free time, Milo enjoys hot springs, RnB concerts, playing soccer, and spending time with his two pre-teen kids, chosen family and community.
Attendance at the first class is mandatory for all currently enrolled and waitlisted students; any currently enrolled or waitlisted students who are not present on the first day of class (without prior permission of the instructor) will be dropped. The instructor will continue to take attendance throughout the add/drop period and anyone who moves off the waitlist into the class must continue to attend or have prior permission of the instructor in order not to be dropped.
Requirements Satisfaction:
Submit teaching evaluations for this course between 25-FEB-25 and 02-MAR-25
Exam Notes: (None) Class requires a series of papers, assignments, or presentations throughout the semester
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Social Justice and Public Interest
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
Race and Law
If you are the instructor or their FSU, you may add a file like a syllabus or a first assignment to this page.
No reader.
Instructor has indicated that no books will be assigned.