Fall 2022Spring 2023Fall 2023

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

Apart from their assigned mod courses, 1L students may only enroll in courses offered as 1L electives. A complete list of these courses can be found on the 1L Elective Listings page. 1L students must use the 1L class number listed on the course description when enrolling.

Please use the links below to navigate to your desired full list of courses by category.

1L List2L/3L List1L Elective List

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1L Required Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)201201 sec. 001 - Torts
4Syed, TalhaTH
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00A - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Cole, MichelleNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00B - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Cole, MichelleNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00C - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Reding, AnnNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00D - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Reding, AnnNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00E - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Kumabe, KerryNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00F - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Kumabe, KerryNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00G - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allan, RobinNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00H - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Allan, RobinNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00I - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berg, CherylNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00J - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Berg, CherylNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00K - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Plunkett Hurley, PatriciaNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00L - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Plunkett Hurley, PatriciaNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00M - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Wu, MargaretNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00N - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Wu, MargaretNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00O - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Tam, LindaNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00P - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Tam, LindaNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00Q - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Taylor, UrmilaNone
(unavailable)202.1B202.1B sec. 00R - Written and Oral Advocacy
2Taylor, UrmilaNone
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 001 - Contracts
4Padi, ManishaTH
(unavailable)230230 sec. 001 - Criminal Law
4Glater, JonathanTH
276.91276.91 sec. 001 - IP Remedies

AI Law and Regulation
No Results

Business Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31886217217 sec. 001 - Law, Economics, and Business Workshop
2Ayotte, K / Aneja, ANone
32341247.1247.1 sec. 001 - Regulation of Capital Markets and Financial Institutions
2Perlow, MarkNone
32688247.31247.31 sec. 001 - FinTech Innovation and Financial Inclusion
1Tran Faber, Tuong-ViP
33405247.61247.61 sec. 001 - Blockchain for Lawyers
1Mack, OlgaNone
32340247.9247.9 sec. 001 - Disruptive Technologies & Regulation
1Swartz, S / Erlich, JNone
32307248.5248.5 sec. 001 - Mergers & Acquisitions
3Dibadj, RezaTH
32511248.51248.51 sec. 001 - IPOs and Going Public Transactions
1Kennedy, KevinP
32367249.3249.3 sec. 001 - Selected Topics in Venture Capital
2Drake, K / Fockler, HF
31941250250 sec. 001 - Business Associations
4Badawi, AdamF
31942250250 sec. 002 - Business Associations
3Dibadj, RezaTH
32343251.21251.21 sec. 001 - Business Strategy in the Global Political Economy
2Aggarwal, VinodP
31943251.5251.5 sec. 001 - Corporate Finance
4Krishnamurthy, PrasadTH
32379251.71251.71 sec. 001 - Business Basics for Lawyers
2Jafek, RobertF
32684251.76251.76 sec. 001 - Communication Skills for Business Lawyers
1Marchegiani, PaulT
33627251.77251.77 sec. 001 - Laws, Reputation, and Social Norms
1Shapira, RoyNone
32410251.9251.9 sec. 001 - Venture Funds: Structuring, Advising and Regulating
2Astoor, RitaTH
32382252.21252.21 sec. 001 - Antitrust and Technology Platforms
2Hockett, ChristopherTH
32310252.3252.3 sec. 001 - International Antitrust Law
2Sanders, J / Brass, RTH
32687254.52254.52 sec. 001 - Anti-Discrimination Policies In Insurance Law
1Prince, AnyaTH
31944255.5255.5 sec. 001 - Securities Regulation
3Dibadj, RezaTH
32568255.6255.6 sec. 001 - Sports Law
3Ellis, D'LonraTH
32584256.6F256.6F sec. 001 - Bankruptcy Law
4Ayotte, KennethTH
32509256.8256.8 sec. 001 - Transactional Practice for 1L's
1Lopez, J / Hammon, PT
32569256.81256.81 sec. 001 - Contracts & Sales for LLMs
3Trachok, RichardTH
32411256.9256.9 sec. 001 - Secured Transactions - Article 9
3Trachok, RichardTH
32460257.4257.4 sec. 001 - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Land Development and Investment
3South, J / Weinstein-Carnes, AP
32461257.6257.6 sec. 001 - Transactional Litigation in Practice
2Talarides, A / Knotts, DP
32818257.67257.67 sec. 001 - Sustainable Corporate Governance Colloquium
2Gadinis, StavrosP
31946258.2258.2 sec. 001 - Social Enterprise Law
1Finfrock, J / Barnette, JNone
32462276.41276.41 sec. 001 - Advanced IT Contracts: Drafting and Negotiating
1Tollen, DavidTH
See Also:
(unavailable)245.9International Business Negotiations3Finkelstein, JayP
32522246.31Economic Expert Witnesses: Depositions and Testimony1Cain, MatthewP
31945256Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students1Reichmann, CharlesP
33775256Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students1Reichmann, CharlesP
31948258.7Corporate Tax3Rakowski, EricF
32339270.65Energy Project Development & Finance3Zimmermann, S / Glass, TTH
(unavailable)292ANew Business Community Law Clinic Seminar2Kell, WilliamNone
32373292BNew Business Legal Bootcamp1Kell, WilliamNone
(unavailable)292CAdvanced New Business Legal Bootcamp1Kell, WilliamNone
(unavailable)295.5MNew Business Community Law Clinic4Acevedo Nuevo / Lafleur / WoolfolkNone
(unavailable)295.5NAdvanced New Business Community Law Clinic2 - 4Acevedo Nuevo / Lafleur / WoolfolkNone

CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)283.1H283.1H sec. 001 - Advanced Int'l Human Rights Clinic Seminar
1Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)283H283H sec. 001 - Int'l Human Rights Law Clinic Seminar
2Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)285.3D285.3D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic Seminar II
2Semel, E / Alper, TNone
(unavailable)285.9285.9 sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic Seminar
2Jibril, A / Stallman, ENone
(unavailable)285.9B285.9B sec. 001 - Advanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar
1Graham, M / Urban, JNone
(unavailable)289289 sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Seminar
2Polk, Z / Bay, RNone
(unavailable)291A291A sec. 001 - Environmental Law Clinic Seminar
2Polsky, ClaudiaNone
(unavailable)292A292A sec. 001 - New Business Community Law Clinic Seminar
2Kell, WilliamNone
(unavailable)292C292C sec. 001 - Advanced New Business Legal Bootcamp
1Kell, WilliamNone
(unavailable)295.5D295.5D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic
4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5E295.5E sec. 001 - Environmental Law Clinic
4Polsky / Ashjian / MenkaNone
(unavailable)295.5F295.5F sec. 001 - Advanced Environmental Law Clinic
2 - 5Castleman / Menka / CorderoNone
(unavailable)295.5H295.5H sec. 001 - International Human Rights Law Clinic
4 - 6Fletcher, L / Bajwa, TNone
(unavailable)295.5I295.5I sec. 001 - Advanced International Human Rights Clinic
1 - 10Bajwa / Altholz / FletcherNone
(unavailable)295.5M295.5M sec. 001 - New Business Community Law Clinic
4Acevedo Nuevo / Lafleur / WoolfolkNone
(unavailable)295.5N295.5N sec. 001 - Advanced New Business Community Law Clinic
2 - 4Acevedo Nuevo / Lafleur / WoolfolkNone
(unavailable)295.5T295.5T sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic
4Jibril / Graham / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5U295.5U sec. 001 - Advanced Samuelson Clinic
1 - 4Jibril / Stallman / SchofieldNone
(unavailable)295.5X295.5X sec. 001 - Advanced Policy Advocacy Clinic
1 - 10Selbin / Clark / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5Y295.5Y sec. 001 - Advanced East Bay Commnity Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Bay / Smallwood / AcevedoNone
(unavailable)295.5Z295.5Z sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Bay / Yu / FeltNone

Consumer Law & Economic Justice
No Results

Criminal Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32312230.9230.9 sec. 001 - Where Civil and Criminal Laws Collide
1Rakoff, JedTH
31931231231 sec. 001 - Criminal Procedure - Investigations
4Kerr, OrinF
31932231.1231.1 sec. 001 - Criminal Procedure - Adjudication
4Aviram, HadarF
32311231.5231.5 sec. 001 - California Prisons and Discretionary Parole
1Wattley, KeithP
32586232.9232.9 sec. 001 - Crimmigration
2Volpp, LetiP
32463236236 sec. 001 - Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar
3Davis, RyanP
See Also:
31940246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
(unavailable)285.3DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar II2Semel, E / Alper, TNone
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Bay, RNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Commnity Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / AcevedoNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / FeltNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
32326295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Shah / Breyer / SchechterNone

Environmental and Energy Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32587264.1264.1 sec. 001 - Ocean and Coastal Law
3Doremus, HollyTH/P
32339270.65270.65 sec. 001 - Energy Project Development & Finance
3Zimmermann, S / Glass, TTH
32330270.7270.7 sec. 001 - Renewable Energy Law and Policy
2Vespa, MatthewTH
32575270.72270.72 sec. 001 - Pathways to Carbon Neutrality
2Infelise / Dai / FarberNone
32412271271 sec. 001 - Environmental Law & Policy
4Infelise, RobertTH
32464271.4271.4 sec. 001 - Environmental Transactional Law
2Saretsky / Tanaka / SwansonNone
(unavailable)271.51271.51 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Writing Seminar II
1Doremus, HollyP
32318271.71271.71 sec. 001 - International Environmental Law
2Popovic, NeilNone
32576272.2272.2 sec. 001 - Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment
3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
32466272.2A272.2A sec. 001 - Environmental Justice in Practice
1Peesapati, S / Eady, VP
32441272.3272.3 sec. 001 - Climate Change and the Law
3Farber, DanielNone
32369273.1273.1 sec. 001 - Land Use Law
3Schwartz, AndrewTH
32588273.63273.63 sec. 001 - Public Lands and Natural Resources Law
3Loarie, GregoryTH
See Also:
(unavailable)291AEnvironmental Law Clinic Seminar2Polsky, ClaudiaNone
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Polsky / Ashjian / MenkaNone
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic2 - 5Castleman / Menka / CorderoNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone

Family Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32589281281 sec. 001 - Family Law
4Bridges, KhiaraTBAF
32387281.41281.41 sec. 001 - Litigating Children's Civil Rights: The Immigration Crisis
1Welch, LeeciaNone
See Also:
32527281.42Policing Families1Oyama, RebeccaNone

Field Placements
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)221.61221.61 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Seminar
5Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)221.62221.62 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course
2Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)283Q283Q sec. 001 - Domestic Violence Field Placement Classroom Component: Ethics in Practice
2Kaur, MallikaTBANone
(unavailable)289A289A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship Seminar
1Djemal / Schechter / LiottaNone
(unavailable)295295 sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar
2Mark / Schechter / StevensNone
33027295295 sec. 002 - Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar
2Moore / Pereira / SchechterNone
(unavailable)295.6A295.6A sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6B295.6B sec. 001 - Criminal Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6C295.6C sec. 001 - Environmental Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6J295.6J sec. 001 - Domestic Violence Field Placement
2 - 5Kaur, MallikaTBANone
(unavailable)295.6K295.6K sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement
6Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)295.7A295.7A sec. 001 - Away Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7K295.7K sec. 001 - IN Human Rights Law and Practice: Away Field Placement
10 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8A295.8A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship:Away
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8B295.8B sec. 001 - Judicial Externships: Bay Area
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9A295.9A sec. 001 - UCDC: Law Field Placement
4 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.9K295.9K sec. 001 - UCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Workshop
1Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295B295B sec. 001 - Field Placement Workshop
1Morales, M / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295B295B sec. 002 - Field Placement Workshop
1Adams, B / Schechter, SNone
32326295C295C sec. 001 - Criminal Law Ethics Seminar
2Shah / Breyer / SchechterNone
(unavailable)295D295D sec. 001 - UCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar
3Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295H295H sec. 001 - IN Human Rights Law and Practice: Advanced Away Field Placement Seminar
1Richardson, E / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295J295J sec. 001 - Away Field Placement Workshop
1Schechter, S / Kemp, DNone

General Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31914203203 sec. 001 - Property
4Narechania, TejasF
31915203203 sec. 002 - Property
3Sprankling, JohnTH
32322206.5206.5 sec. 001 - Advanced Legal Writing for LL.M.s
1Butler, MireilleF
32381206.5206.5 sec. 002 - Advanced Legal Writing for LL.M.s
1Powell-Chen, TarahF
(unavailable)206C206C sec. 001 - Note Publishing Workshop
1Bradt, A / Linos, KNone
32469210.6210.6 sec. 001 - Mindfulness for the Legal Mind
2Cohen, JudithNone
32454210.63210.63 sec. 001 - Mindfulness, Self-Care, and Belonging in the Legal Profession
1Bruce, EmilyNone
31924219.4T219.4T sec. 001 - Courts, Lawyers and Justice in Film
3Mayali, LaurentP

History and Historical Law
No Results

Intellectual Property and Technology Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31950275.3275.3 sec. 001 - Intellectual Property Law
4Schmitt, A / Menell, PF
32471275.66275.66 sec. 001 - Chinese IP Law
3Cohen, MarkP
32314276276 sec. 001 - Technology for Lawyers
1Hoxha, E / Schallop, MP
32380276.13276.13 sec. 001 - Cybersecurity Law and Policy
3Schwartz, PaulF
32449276.33276.33 sec. 001 - Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Online Harassment: Regulation of and by Internet Platforms
2Samuelson, PamelaNone
32438276.34276.34 sec. 001 - Computer Programming for Lawyers
4Hoofnagle, ChrisNone
32334276.66276.66 sec. 001 - Topics in Pharmaceutical Policy: the Case of Biotherapeutics
1Zuraw, RachelT
32514276.73276.73 sec. 001 - California Privacy Law
1Determann, LotharNone
(unavailable)276.77276.77 sec. 001 - Life Sciences and Innovation Workshop II
2Schmitt, A / Menell, PNone
31951277.2277.2 sec. 001 - Patent Litigation I
3Mehta / Reines / BobrowNone
(unavailable)277.43277.43 sec. 001 - Preparing to Practice Patent Law for 1Ls
2Schmitt, A / Menell, PNone
32413277.7277.7 sec. 001 - Art and Cultural Property Law
1Shapreau, CarlaP
31952277W277W sec. 001 - Patent Law
3Merges, RobertTH
32536278278 sec. 001 - Copyright, Competition, and Technology
1Gass, AndrewP
32579278.1278.1 sec. 001 - Trademark Law
3Katyal, SoniaNone
(unavailable)278.11278.11 sec. 001 - Trademark Practice
3Fritz / Bernstein / MenellNone
32414278.31278.31 sec. 001 - Copyright Law
3Samuelson, PamelaF
32581278.8278.8 sec. 001 - Wine Law
2Genesen, T / Trinidad, JTH
See Also:
32382252.21Antitrust and Technology Platforms2Hockett, ChristopherTH
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Jibril, A / Stallman, ENone
(unavailable)285.9BAdvanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar1Graham, M / Urban, JNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Jibril / Graham / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Jibril / Stallman / SchofieldNone

International and Comparative Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31920208I208I sec. 001 - International and Foreign Legal Research
3Hoffman, MarciP
32415261261 sec. 001 - International Law
4Linos, KaterinaTH
32572261.17261.17 sec. 001 - International Organizations
3Linos, KaterinaP
32315261.7261.7 sec. 001 - Disputes with Sovereigns
1Bowker, DavidTH
32668262.51262.51 sec. 001 - Human Rights Practice Workshop
2Fletcher, L / Altholz, RNone
32439262.65262.65 sec. 001 - Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Workshop
3Stover, E / Blum, CP
33042262.91262.91 sec. 001 - The Killing of Jamal Khashoggi and the Search for Justice
1Novogrodsky, N / Koenig, ANone
32478263263 sec. 001 - International Human Rights
3Mohamed, SairaTH
32479264.75264.75 sec. 001 - Introduction to Comparative Law
1Mayali, LaurentP
32573267.51267.51 sec. 001 - Introduction to Roman Law
1Mayali, LaurentP
See Also:
32344226.11Current Topics in National Security Law1Bridgeman, TheresaNone
32598226.13National Security Law: A Practitioner's Perspective1Perry, MatthewNone
(unavailable)245.9International Business Negotiations3Finkelstein, JayP
32343251.21Business Strategy in the Global Political Economy2Aggarwal, VinodP
32310252.3International Antitrust Law2Sanders, J / Brass, RTH
33185261.74Asylum Law Seminar2Lilien, KyraP
33186261.75Asylum Law Practicum1Lilien, KyraP
32318271.71International Environmental Law2Popovic, NeilNone
32471275.66Chinese IP Law3Cohen, MarkP
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Int'l Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)283HInt'l Human Rights Law Clinic Seminar2Fletcher, LaurelNone
32988285.41Comparative Consumer Law for LL.M.s1Mermin, TedNone
(unavailable)295.5HInternational Human Rights Law Clinic4 - 6Fletcher, L / Bajwa, TNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced International Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Bajwa / Altholz / FletcherNone
(unavailable)295HIN Human Rights Law and Practice: Advanced Away Field Placement Seminar1Richardson, E / Schechter, SNone

J.S.D.-Required Classes
No Results

Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP)
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32590207.1207.1 sec. 001 - Law and Order
3Simon, JonathanP
32591208.8208.8 sec. 001 - Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law
3Albiston, CatherineNone
31922210.2B210.2B sec. 001 - Workshop in Law, Philosophy & Political Theory
3Cohen, J / Gould, JNone
32592215.5215.5 sec. 001 - Foundations of Political Philosophy
3Song, SarahNone
(unavailable)217.1217.1 sec. 001 - History of Political Economy
3Grewal, DavidP
32309375P375P sec. 001 - Teaching Learning in Higher Education
2Penningroth, DylanNone

LL.M. Required Courses
No Results

LL.M.-Only Classes
No Results

Law and Economics
No Results

Law and Society
No Results

Law in Cultural Perspective
No Results

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31921210210 sec. 001 - Legal Profession
2Jargiello, DavidTH
32306210210 sec. 002 - Legal Profession
2Bomse, A / Baldwin, MTH
32544210210 sec. 003 - Legal Profession
2Dilworth, AndrewTH
32377211.11211.11 sec. 001 - Understanding the U.S. Legal Profession
3Fisk, CatherineTBATH
See Also:
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Mark / Schechter / StevensNone
33027295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Moore / Pereira / SchechterNone
32326295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Shah / Breyer / SchechterNone

Legal History
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32676218.31218.31 sec. 001 - Angel Island - Legal Histories of Imprisonment
1Volpp, LetiNone
See Also:
32711217.41Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Case2Davis, SethNone
32682285.69Property, Theory, and Social Justice2Alexander, GregoryP

Legal Theory
No Results

Legal Theory and Ethics
No Results

Litigation and Procedure
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31887200.2200.2 sec. 001 - Civil Procedure for LL.M.Students
3Rice, CharlesTH
31928222222 sec. 001 - Federal Courts
3Fletcher, WilliamF
31933241241 sec. 001 - Evidence
4Mitchell, CandisF
31934241241 sec. 002 - Evidence
4Neuborne, BurtTH
32332241241 sec. 003 - Evidence
4Farhang, SeanF
(unavailable)243.71243.71 sec. 001 - Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar
1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7B243.7B sec. 001 - Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum
4Fernholz / Crook / WilleNone
32595244244 sec. 001 - Conflict of Laws
3Bradt, AndrewF
32690244.62244.62 sec. 001 - Litigating Class Actions
1Larkin, J / Bloom, ATBATH
32685244.63244.63 sec. 001 - Impact Litigation: Strategy, Structure and Process
2Berzon, S / Neuborne, BP
See Also:
32693227.81Introduction to the Supreme Court for 1Ls1Tyler, AmandaNone
32312230.9Where Civil and Criminal Laws Collide1Rakoff, JedTH
32418246.3Depositions3Hecht, HenryP
32695285.32The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg1Tyler, AmandaNone
32526287.51Housing Litigation and Policy2Bracamontes, MichaelF

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
No Results

No Results
See Also:
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / WilleNone
33185261.74Asylum Law Seminar2Lilien, KyraP
33186261.75Asylum Law Practicum1Lilien, KyraP
(unavailable)295.4KAdvanced Veterans Law Practicum1-2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4LAdvanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone

Private Law and Theory
No Results

Public Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32516220.15220.15 sec. 001 - The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
1Nelson, RyanTH
32672220.42220.42 sec. 001 - Strategy: Theory, Law, and Policy
2Yoo, JohnTBAP
31925220.6220.6 sec. 001 - Constitutional Law
4Haney Lopez, IanTH
31926220.6220.6 sec. 002 - Constitutional Law
4Chemerinsky, ErwinTH
(unavailable)220.6220.6 sec. 003 - Constitutional Law
4Holmquist, KristenTH
32331220.9220.9 sec. 001 - First Amendment
3Bamberger, KennethTH
32321220A220A sec. 001 - Marijuana Law and Policy
1Todd, TamarP
32597220E220E sec. 001 - Advanced Constitutional Law: Federalism
3Yoo, JohnTBATH
32596220G220G sec. 001 - Public Law and Policy Workshop
2Gould, JonathanNone
31929223223 sec. 001 - Administrative Law
4Bamberger, KennethTH
32416223223 sec. 002 - Administrative Law
4Jacobs, SharonTH
32333225225 sec. 001 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation
3Gould, JonathanTH
32344226.11226.11 sec. 001 - Current Topics in National Security Law
1Bridgeman, TheresaNone
32598226.13226.13 sec. 001 - National Security Law: A Practitioner's Perspective
1Perry, MatthewNone
32599226.1T226.1T sec. 001 - Local Government Law
3Casher, EricP
32693227.81227.81 sec. 001 - Introduction to the Supreme Court for 1Ls
1Tyler, AmandaNone
32946248.12248.12 sec. 001 - Consumer Bankruptcy
3Atkinson, AbbyeP
32600248.2248.2 sec. 001 - Bioethics: From Nuremberg to Modern Times
2Obasogie, OsagieP
32695285.32285.32 sec. 001 - The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
1Tyler, AmandaNone
32371286.5286.5 sec. 001 - Federal Indian Law
4Davis, SethTH
32601287.7287.7 sec. 001 - Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law
4Abrams, KathrynTH
32602287.8287.8 sec. 001 - Constitutional Litigation
3Zhang, EmilyTH
32603288.1288.1 sec. 001 - Immigration Law
4Hausman, DavidTH
See Also:
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Holmquist, KristenNone
32437224.23Public Health Law3Ashe, MariceP
32694227.32Current Issues in Work Law1Fisk, CatherineP
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / WilleNone
32685244.63Impact Litigation: Strategy, Structure and Process2Berzon, S / Neuborne, BP
33627251.77Laws, Reputation, and Social Norms1Shapira, RoyNone
32514276.73California Privacy Law1Determann, LotharNone
(unavailable)295.6KStructural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement6Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement4 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295.9KUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Workshop1Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone

Race and Law
No Results
See Also:
32590207.1Law and Order3Simon, JonathanP
32591208.8Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law3Albiston, CatherineNone
32360212.3Critical Race Theory2Haney Lopez, IanP
(unavailable)212.8Anti-Blackness and the Law3Rahim, AsadP
32676218.31Angel Island - Legal Histories of Imprisonment1Volpp, LetiNone
32342221.81Student Loan Law1Martindale, SuzanneNone
32437224.23Public Health Law3Ashe, MariceP
32363227Labor Law3Fisk, CatherineTH
32694227.32Current Issues in Work Law1Fisk, CatherineP
31932231.1Criminal Procedure - Adjudication4Aviram, HadarF
32586232.9Crimmigration2Volpp, LetiP
32609234.1Illuminating and Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline in California1Uppal, AtasiP
32386234.21Dismantling Mass Incarceration1Cheng, TonyP
32463236Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar3Davis, RyanP
32600248.2Bioethics: From Nuremberg to Modern Times2Obasogie, OsagieP
32687254.52Anti-Discrimination Policies In Insurance Law1Prince, AnyaTH
32986266.5Poverty Law and Policy2Atkinson, AbbyeP
32576272.2Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
32466272.2AEnvironmental Justice in Practice1Peesapati, S / Eady, VP
32369273.1Land Use Law3Schwartz, AndrewTH
32589281Family Law4Bridges, KhiaraF
32387281.41Litigating Children's Civil Rights: The Immigration Crisis1Welch, LeeciaNone
32527281.42Policing Families1Oyama, RebeccaNone
(unavailable)283HInt'l Human Rights Law Clinic Seminar2Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)283QDomestic Violence Field Placement Classroom Component: Ethics in Practice2Kaur, MallikaNone
32524285.44Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop2Mermin, T / Aneja, ANone
32451285.81Lawyering in the Public Interest/Public Sector World1Schechter, SueT
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Jibril, A / Stallman, ENone
32371286.5Federal Indian Law4Davis, SethTH
32610286.6Race, Sexuality and the Law3Robinson, RussellP
32611286.65Criminalizing Race and Poverty: Carceral Capitalism and the Enduring Consequences of Court Ordered Debt1Smallwood, CandyNone
32864286.82Special Topics in Education Policy: Race, Gender, and Sexuality1Clark, CameronNone
32606287.11Negotiating Trauma, Emotions & the Practice of Law2Kaur, MallikaNone
32601287.7Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law4Abrams, KathrynTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Bay, RNone
(unavailable)295.4KAdvanced Veterans Law Practicum1-2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4LAdvanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Polsky / Ashjian / MenkaNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Jibril / Stallman / SchofieldNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Selbin / Clark / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Commnity Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / AcevedoNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / FeltNone

Simulation Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31917207.5207.5 sec. 001 - Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
32305207.5207.5 sec. 002 - Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
32452207.5207.5 sec. 004 - Advanced Legal Writing
3Berry, EmilyNone
(unavailable)207.5207.5 sec. 005 - Advanced Legal Writing
3Berry, E / DiGennaro, DP
31918208208 sec. 001 - Advanced Legal Research
3Vanden Heuvel, K / Levy, MNone
31919208.1208.1 sec. 001 - Advanced Legal Research- Pathfinder
3Vanden Heuvel, K / Levy, MP
(unavailable)242.3242.3 sec. 001 - Lawyering as Problem Solving
2Holmquist, KristenNone
32608242.9242.9 sec. 001 - Listening and Communicating:Stagecraft for Lawyers
1Higgins, GeorgeNone
31935243.3243.3 sec. 001 - Oral Advocacy for LL.M. Students
1Reyes, BenjaminNone
32696243.51243.51 sec. 001 - Designing Government Services
1Zeichner, NicoleNone
32345244.42244.42 sec. 001 - Litigation 101
2Danaye-Armstrong, ShaudyNone
32811244.8244.8 sec. 001 - Mediation
3Gupta, ShirishNone
31939245245 sec. 003 - Negotiations
2Epstein, EmilyT
32376245245 sec. 004 - Negotiations
2Kim, JasperP
32487245245 sec. 005 - Negotiations
2Landon, EmT
32551245245 sec. 006 - Negotiations
3Notini, JessicaNone
32417245.2245.2 sec. 001 - Civil Trial Practice
3Brown, T / Durie, DT
32552245.2245.2 sec. 002 - Civil Trial Practice
3Smith, W / Grillo, ET
32504245.21245.21 sec. 001 - Introduction to Trial Practice for 1Ls
1Petrou, I / Smiley, CT
(unavailable)245.9245.9 sec. 001 - International Business Negotiations
3Finkelstein, JayP
31940246.1246.1 sec. 001 - Criminal Trial Practice
3Denton, CharlesT
32418246.3246.3 sec. 001 - Depositions
3Hecht, HenryP
32522246.31246.31 sec. 001 - Economic Expert Witnesses: Depositions and Testimony
1Cain, MatthewP
31945256256 sec. 001 - Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students
1Reichmann, CharlesP
33775256256 sec. 002 - Transactional Drafting for LL.M. Students
1Reichmann, CharlesP
32373292B292B sec. 001 - New Business Legal Bootcamp
1Kell, WilliamNone
31976295.3J295.3J sec. 001 - McBaine Honors Competition
2Washington, GregoryT
See Also:
32684251.76Communication Skills for Business Lawyers1Marchegiani, PaulT
32509256.8Transactional Practice for 1L's1Lopez, J / Hammon, PT
32461257.6Transactional Litigation in Practice2Talarides, A / Knotts, DP

Social Justice and Public Interest
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32360212.3212.3 sec. 001 - Critical Race Theory
2Haney Lopez, IanP
(unavailable)212.8212.8 sec. 001 - Anti-Blackness and the Law
3Rahim, AsadP
32711217.41217.41 sec. 001 - Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Case
2Davis, SethNone
32342221.81221.81 sec. 001 - Student Loan Law
1Martindale, SuzanneNone
32437224.23224.23 sec. 001 - Public Health Law
3Ashe, MariceP
32609234.1234.1 sec. 001 - Illuminating and Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline in California
1Uppal, AtasiP
32386234.21234.21 sec. 001 - Dismantling Mass Incarceration
1Cheng, TonyP
33185261.74261.74 sec. 001 - Asylum Law Seminar
2Lilien, KyraP
33186261.75261.75 sec. 001 - Asylum Law Practicum
1Lilien, KyraP
32986266.5266.5 sec. 001 - Poverty Law and Policy
2Atkinson, AbbyeP
32527281.42281.42 sec. 001 - Policing Families
1Oyama, RebeccaNone
32525284.42284.42 sec. 001 - Credit Reporting and Economic Justice
1Heath, ErikaP
32988285.41285.41 sec. 001 - Comparative Consumer Law for LL.M.s
1Mermin, TedNone
32524285.44285.44 sec. 001 - Consumer Law and Economic Justice Workshop
2Mermin, T / Aneja, ANone
32582285.62285.62 sec. 001 - Animal Law
2Wagman, BruceTH/P
32682285.69285.69 sec. 001 - Property, Theory, and Social Justice
2Alexander, GregoryP
32451285.81285.81 sec. 001 - Lawyering in the Public Interest/Public Sector World
1Schechter, SueT
(unavailable)286.21286.21 sec. 001 - Women's Leadership in the Law
1Mohamed, SairaNone
32610286.6286.6 sec. 001 - Race, Sexuality and the Law
3Robinson, RussellP
32611286.65286.65 sec. 001 - Criminalizing Race and Poverty: Carceral Capitalism and the Enduring Consequences of Court Ordered Debt
1Smallwood, CandyNone
32388286.81286.81 sec. 001 - Transgender Rights & The Law
1Orr, AsafNone
32864286.82286.82 sec. 001 - Special Topics in Education Policy: Race, Gender, and Sexuality
1Clark, CameronNone
32606287.11287.11 sec. 001 - Negotiating Trauma, Emotions & the Practice of Law
2Kaur, MallikaTBANone
32526287.51287.51 sec. 001 - Housing Litigation and Policy
2Bracamontes, MichaelF
(unavailable)295.4K295.4K sec. 001 - Advanced Veterans Law Practicum
1-2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4L295.4L sec. 001 - Advanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar
1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
See Also:
32590207.1Law and Order3Simon, JonathanP
32591208.8Foundation Seminar in the Sociology of Law3Albiston, CatherineNone
32676218.31Angel Island - Legal Histories of Imprisonment1Volpp, LetiNone
32321220AMarijuana Law and Policy1Todd, TamarP
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Holmquist, KristenNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Holmquist, KristenNone
31929223Administrative Law4Bamberger, KennethTH
32363227Labor Law3Fisk, CatherineTH
32694227.32Current Issues in Work Law1Fisk, CatherineP
31932231.1Criminal Procedure - Adjudication4Aviram, HadarF
32311231.5California Prisons and Discretionary Parole1Wattley, KeithP
32586232.9Crimmigration2Volpp, LetiP
32463236Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar3Davis, RyanP
32696243.51Designing Government Services1Zeichner, NicoleNone
(unavailable)243.71Advanced 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar1Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7BAdvanced 9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / WilleNone
32690244.62Litigating Class Actions1Larkin, J / Bloom, ATH
32685244.63Impact Litigation: Strategy, Structure and Process2Berzon, S / Neuborne, BP
31940246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
32688247.31FinTech Innovation and Financial Inclusion1Tran Faber, Tuong-ViP
32946248.12Consumer Bankruptcy3Atkinson, AbbyeP
32600248.2Bioethics: From Nuremberg to Modern Times2Obasogie, OsagieP
32687254.52Anti-Discrimination Policies In Insurance Law1Prince, AnyaTH
32818257.67Sustainable Corporate Governance Colloquium2Gadinis, StavrosP
31946258.2Social Enterprise Law1Finfrock, J / Barnette, JNone
32315261.7Disputes with Sovereigns1Bowker, DavidTH
32668262.51Human Rights Practice Workshop2Fletcher, L / Altholz, RNone
32439262.65Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Workshop3Stover, E / Blum, CP
33042262.91The Killing of Jamal Khashoggi and the Search for Justice1Novogrodsky, N / Koenig, ANone
32478263International Human Rights3Mohamed, SairaTH
32318271.71International Environmental Law2Popovic, NeilNone
32576272.2Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
32466272.2AEnvironmental Justice in Practice1Peesapati, S / Eady, VP
32441272.3Climate Change and the Law3Farber, DanielNone
32369273.1Land Use Law3Schwartz, AndrewTH
32449276.33Hate Speech, Disinformation, and Online Harassment: Regulation of and by Internet Platforms2Samuelson, PamelaNone
32387281.41Litigating Children's Civil Rights: The Immigration Crisis1Welch, LeeciaNone
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Int'l Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)283HInt'l Human Rights Law Clinic Seminar2Fletcher, LaurelNone
(unavailable)283QDomestic Violence Field Placement Classroom Component: Ethics in Practice2Kaur, MallikaNone
32695285.32The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg1Tyler, AmandaNone
(unavailable)285.3DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar II2Semel, E / Alper, TNone
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Jibril, A / Stallman, ENone
(unavailable)285.9BAdvanced Samuelson Clinic Seminar1Graham, M / Urban, JNone
32371286.5Federal Indian Law4Davis, SethTH
32601287.7Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law4Abrams, KathrynTH
32602287.8Constitutional Litigation3Zhang, EmilyTH
32603288.1Immigration Law4Hausman, DavidTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Bay, RNone
(unavailable)289AJudicial Externship Seminar1Djemal / Schechter / LiottaNone
(unavailable)291AEnvironmental Law Clinic Seminar2Polsky, ClaudiaNone
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Mark / Schechter / StevensNone
33027295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Moore / Pereira / SchechterNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Raman / AlperNone
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Polsky / Ashjian / MenkaNone
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic2 - 5Castleman / Menka / CorderoNone
(unavailable)295.5HInternational Human Rights Law Clinic4 - 6Fletcher, L / Bajwa, TNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced International Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Bajwa / Altholz / FletcherNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Jibril / Graham / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5UAdvanced Samuelson Clinic1 - 4Jibril / Stallman / SchofieldNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Selbin / Clark / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Commnity Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / AcevedoNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Bay / Yu / FeltNone
(unavailable)295.6ACivil Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6JDomestic Violence Field Placement2 - 5Kaur, MallikaNone
(unavailable)295.7AAway Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7KIN Human Rights Law and Practice: Away Field Placement10 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8AJudicial Externship:Away4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8BJudicial Externships: Bay Area4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement4 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295BField Placement Workshop1Morales, M / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295BField Placement Workshop1Adams, B / Schechter, SNone
32326295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Shah / Breyer / SchechterNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295HIN Human Rights Law and Practice: Advanced Away Field Placement Seminar1Richardson, E / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295JAway Field Placement Workshop1Schechter, S / Kemp, DNone

Tax Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32491258258 sec. 001 - Estates and Trusts
3Rakowski, EricF
31948258.7258.7 sec. 001 - Corporate Tax
3Rakowski, EricF

Theoretical Perspectives
No Results

Wellness and Lawyering
No Results

Work Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32363227227 sec. 001 - Labor Law
3Fisk, CatherineTBATH
32420227.1227.1 sec. 001 - Labor and Employment Arbitration
1Dooley, AndreaT
32364227.2227.2 sec. 001 - Satisfaction in Law and Life
1Holmquist, KristenNone
32493227.21227.21 sec. 001 - Employment Law
3Jackson, ToddTH
32694227.32227.32 sec. 001 - Current Issues in Work Law
1Fisk, CatherineTBAP