January 22, 2020 (Wednesday)
Write for Rights
Room 145, Berkeley Law | 1:00–2:00 pm
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Journal of International Law and the Human Rights Center
Lunch will be provided
Write For Rights is Amnesty International’s largest annual human rights campaign. People around the world write letters on behalf of people who need urgent help. Through the power of collective action, these letters convince government officials to free people unjustly imprisoned and end other abuses.
This year’s 10 cases are young people under threat. Because of us, prison doors will open, families will be reunited, justice will be achieved, and human rights activists will be safe and supported in continuing their important work to change the world. Join us for a come-and-go lunch event as we write letters for change.
January 31, 2020 (Friday)
Lessons From Australia: The Growing Movement of Migrapreneurship and What It Means for the Climate Refugee Crisis
Room 145, Berkeley Law | 12.45-2.00 pm
Usman Iftikhar
CEO and co-founder of Catalysr
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Journal of International Law and the Human Rights Center
Lunch will be provided
Usman lftikhar will speak about his story as a “migrapreneur” and lessons from supporting migrant and refugee entrepreneurs in Australia. He will also shed a light on the growing movement of migrant and refugee entrepreneurship across the globe, or “migrapreneurship” — a word coined for this phenomenon — and how it can play a pivotal role in addressing the climate refugee crisis.
Usman lftikhar is a social entrepreneur, passionate about utilizing the power of entrepreneurship to collectively solve global warming and the global refugee crisis. He is the co-founder and CEO of Catalysr, a startup pre-accelerator in Australia, which empowers migrant and refugee entrepreneurs (aka migrapreneurs) to launch their own startups in Australia.
February 5, 2020 (Wednesday)
Lawyering for Equality: An Obstacle Course
Room 244, Berkeley Law | 12.45-2:00 pm
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Antidiscrimination Law Study Group
Lunch will be provided
RSVP here by February 3
Naina Kapur is an India-based lawyer, who pioneered a public interest litigation before the Supreme Court of India resulting in the first ever sex equality judgment on workplace sexual harassment. Her equality advocacy has influenced law reform on child sexual abuse, rape, and workplace sexual harassment in India. Having led path-breaking research on judicial gender perceptions and VAW, she co-founded and co-Chaired an Asia Pacific Forum on Equality Education for Judges for over ten years.
Ms. Kapur will explore the relationship that has emerged between sexual harm and equality in India over the past few decades. Offering a bird’s eye view of her personal journey in lawyering for equality to address sexual harm, she will highlight the inherent obstacles that have come between a sexual violations and systemic change.
February 7, 2020 (Friday)
Developments in Sexual Harassment Law
Room 105, Berkeley Law | 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Organized by the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law
Cosponsored by Alameda County Bar Association, Berkeley Human Rights Center, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, Equal Justice Society, Legal Aid Association of California, The Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association, and Women in Business Law Initiative
The Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law will host a full-day CLE program on Developments in Sexual Harassment Law. Topics will include developments in California sexual harassment law, developments in Title IX law, developments in workplace investigation practice, and developments in the worldwide #MeToo movement.
Event cost:
- Registration: $400 (Early bird rate by December 15, 2019: $375)
- Berkeley Law alumni and members of our bar association partner organizations: $350 (Early bird rate by December 15, 2019: $325)
- Non-profit and public employee rate: $250
For more information, see the conference website.
February 10, 2020 (Monday)
Mobilizing Around Sexual Violence in Columbia: The Reception of #MeToo
Room 244, Berkeley Law | 12.45-2.00 pm
Professor Isabel Cristina Jaramillo-Sierra
Faculty of Law
University of the Andes
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Comparative Equality and Antidiscrimination Law Study Group
Lunch will be provided
RSVP here by February 3
The use of social networks to expose Harvey Weinstein and create an environment of credibility for victims of sexual violence has had multiple good effects and some unintended negative effects. In her presentation, Professor Jaramillo-Sierra will discuss the interaction of the global #MeToo with the local context of mobilization against sexual violence in Colombia. She argues that #MeToo has sabotaged some of the long planned campaigns of professional feminists and reveals the costs of not involving young and middle class women as allies and beneficiaries of litigation.
Isabel Cristina Jaramillo-Sierra is a Full Professor in the fields of legal theory and family law at the University of the Andes, Bogota, Colombia.
February 12, 2020 (Wednesday)
New Frontiers in Corporate Accountability: Using the FCPA and FCA as Human Rights Tools
Room 145, Berkeley Law | 12.45-2.00 pm
Sarah “Poppy” Alexander
Constantine Cannon
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Journal of International Law
Lunch will be provided
As US courts have begun to turn away from human rights law as a tool for justice, attorneys across the nation have been instrumental in utilizing creative legal strategies to hold human rights abusers accountable. Join in a lunch talk with Sarah “Poppy” Alexander as she speaks on the possibility of the False Claims Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and other US whistle-blower laws as a means of holding corporations accountable for human rights violations around the globe.
Poppy Alexander is an attorneyin Constantine Cannon’s San Francisco office. She represents whistleblowers and government entities in qui tam lawsuits in both federal and state courts, as well as under the Internal Revenue Service and Securities and Exchange Commission’s whistleblower programs.
February 20, 2020 (Thursday)
A Place Outside the Law: Forgotten Voices From Guantánamo
Room 110, Berkeley Law | 1:00-2:00 pm
Professor Peter Jan Honigsberg
University of San Francisco
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Berkeley Law
Co-sponsored with the Human Rights Center
RSVP here
Law scholar and Witness to Guantánamo founder Peter Jan Honigsberg, Professor of Law at the University of San Francisco School of Law, uncovers a haunting portrait of life at the military prison and its toll — not only on the detainees and their loved ones but also on its military and civilian personnel and the journalists who reported the story. In his new book, A Place Outside the Law, Professor Honigsberg shares the stories of the people who lived and worked in Guantánamo and what was done in the name of protecting our country. Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky talks with Honigsberg about his book and the future of Guantánamo.
February 27, 2020 (Thursday)
California, the EU, and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall | 12:00-1:30 pm
Eleni Kounalakis
Lieutenant Governor of California
Stavros Lambrinidis
EU Ambassador to the United States
Co-sponsored with the Institute of European Studies, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and the Haas School of Business
This discussion will be moderated by Jeroen Dewulf, Director of the Institute of European Studies and Professor Katerina Linos, Berkeley Law, with an introduction by Vice Chancellor for Research, Randy Katz.
February 27, 2020 (Thursday)
Anti-Terrorism, Maritime Transportation Security, and International Law
Room 145, Berkeley Law | 12.50-2.00 pm
Lt Cmdr Nicholas Monacelli (JD ’16)
US Coast Guard
Lunch will be provided on a first-come/first-served basis
Co-sponsored with the Institute for Legal Research
The maritime transportation sector is responsible for 90% of global trade, valued at over $20 trillion. Security of ports, vessels, and cargo remains critical for sustaining maritime commerce. This lecture discusses the threat of terrorism, cyberattack, natural disaster, and piracy, and how international law has evolved to provide solutions. Learn how schemes including the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code and Container Security Initiative are important to maintaining the industry’s integrity. Finally, examine how militaries, regulators, and industry around the globe continue to develop new ways to counter emerging threats, especially in the face of recent cyberattacks.
February 28, 2020 (Friday)
2o20 Riesenfeld Symposium
Borderline: Problems and Perspectives in Global Migration
Booth Auditorium (Room 175), Berkeley Law | 1.00-7.00 pm
Organized by the Berkeley Journal of International Law
Sponsored by
Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law
American Society of International Law
White & Case LLP
RSVP here
One of the great traditions at Berkeley Law is the annual Riesenfeld Symposium, which allows students, alumni, faculty, and staff to come together to recognize and celebrate achievement in international law. Each year, the Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) presents the keynote speaker with the Stefan A. Riesenfeld Memorial Award, traditionally given to a distinguished scholar or practitioner who has made outstanding contributions to the field of international law. The purpose of the award is to honor the memory of Professor Stefan A. Riesenfeld ’37, who devoted much of his life and career to the study and practice of international law, and to recognize a recipient who has demonstrated a commitment to the values and ideas that Professor Riesenfeld espoused and advocated.
The 2020 Riesenfeld Award will be given to keynote speaker Guy Goodwin-Gill, Emeritus Fellow, All Souls College, Emeritus Professor of International Refugee Law, Oxford University, and now Professor of Law at UNSW’s Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. Widely recognized as the preeminent legal scholar in the field, he formerly practiced as a barrister from Blackstone Chambers in London. His distinguished career has encompassed various roles with UNHCR, advocacy before the courts in a number of prominent cases, and academic posts in Canada and throughout Europe. Since joining the Kaldor Centre in 2017, he has served as Acting Director, published widely and regularly comments in the media.
March 3, 2020 (Tuesday)
International Practice at a Law Firm: Maintaining an International Presence through White Collar Litigation
Room 130, Berkeley Law | 12.45-2.00 pm
Noha Moustafa
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Journal of International Law
The Berkeley Journal of International Law presents a lunch conversation with Noha Moustafa, Associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates in Washington DC. Ms. Moustaffa will talk about her work in Government Enforcement and White Collar Crime, and her ability to maintain an international presence through her work at Skadden.
Noha Moustafa is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School where she wrote her student note “The Right to Free Exercise of Religion in Prisons: How Courts Should Determine Sincerity of Religious Belief Under RLUIPA.” She was also an intern at the Department of State in the Human Rights and Labor Division and at the Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division.
March 16-17, 2020 (Monday-Tuesday)
60 Years of Chinese Legal Reform: A Berkeley Perspective
March 16, 2020 — 1.00-6.15 pm
World Affairs Council
312 Sutter St #200, San Francisco
March 17, 2020 — 9:00 am-5.15 pm
Bancroft Hotel
2680 Bancroft Way, Berkeley
Organized by the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology
Sponsored by the Asia Society, the Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, the Robbins Collection, and the World Affairs Council
This day-and-a-half symposium looks at the past and future of Chinese legal studies through interdisciplinary and intergenerational discussions on a range of Chinese legal topics including intellectual property and other technology-related issues, dispute resolution, empirical research, administrative law, and international law. This practical and far-ranging program commemorates the 60th anniversary of Chinese legal studies at Berkeley, with its two founders, Jerome Cohen and Stanley Lubman, and the many scholars and practitioners they have inspired.
For more information, see the symposium website.
March 17, 2020 (Tuesday)
Screening of “Eminent Monsters: A Manual for Modern Torture”
Moot Court Room (Room 140), Berkeley Law
Reception — 5.30 pm
Film screening — 6.00 pm
A panel discussion and Q&A with the director will follow the film
RSVP by March 12 here
Sponsored by the Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, the Berkeley Journal of International Law, the Human Rights Center, and the International Human Rights Law Clinic
In the 1950s the CIA and Canada covertly funded Scottish-born psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron to embark on the darkest program of psychological experimentation in modern history. Subjecting his “patients” to sensory deprivation, sensory overload, LSD injections, and extreme physical and mental torture, Cameron’s techniques have since been used in 27 countries around the world. With testimony from senior American psychologists, military personnel and key whistleblowers, director Stephen Bennett shines fresh light upon claims of collusion between doctors and the state and lays bare the legacy of pain left behind by Cameron. From the establishment of a mind control laboratory in Montreal and the humiliation and terror of Guantanamo, to the “Hooded Men” of Belfast seeking justice and reparation at the European Court of Human Rights, “Eminent Monsters: A Manual For Modern Torture” is an urgent call to the international community to right the wrongs of the past and protect us from a dangerous future.
Eric Stover, Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
Stephen Bennett, Director/Producer of “Eminent Monsters”Harvey M. Weinstein, Senior Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center and retired Clinical Professor in the UC Berkeley’s School of Public HealthSmadar Ben-Natan, Visiting Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley, and former legal advisor and litigator for the Public Committee Against Torture in IsraelLaurel E. Fletcher, Clinical Professor of Law and Co-Director, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law
For more information, see the screening website or contact Karen Chin at kchin@law.berkeley.edu.
March 31, 2020 (Tuesday)
Israeli Women in Combat
Room 110, Berkeley Law
5.30 pm — Reception
6:00 pm — Lecture
Ayelet Harel-Shalev
Conflict Management and Resolution Program, and Department of Politics and Government
Ben-Gurion University
RSVP here
Co-sponsored with the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
Professor Ayelet Harel-Shaley is the co-author of Breaking the Binaries in Security Studies: A Gendered Analysis of Women in Combat (2020) and author of The Challenge of Sustaining Democracy in Deeply Divided Societies: Citizenship, Rights, and Ethnic Conflicts in India and Israel (2010). She draws on interviews with 100 women military veterans about their experiences in combat. Focusing on women in the Israeli Defense Forces, she provides different perspectives about what their experiences teach us, why such research is important, and how to consider soldiers and veterans both as citizens and as violent state actors — an issue with which scholars are often reluctant to engage.
Stanford Professor Gil-li Vardi, an expert on Israeli military history, will join as discussant.
May 14, 2020 (Thursday)
Certificate of Specialization in International Law Award Ceremony
Berkeley Law, UC Berkeley
Each year the Miller Institute hosts a ceremony to recognize law students who have contributed to international law scholarship and practice at Berkeley Law by completing the requirements for the Certificate of Specialization in International Law. Please join us to recognize the extraordinary achievements of these students.
May 18, 2020 (Monday)
Legal Issues in Dealing with COVID-19: International Law and COVID-19
12:50 pm – 2:00 pm
Professors Laurel Fletcher and Katerina Linos
Berkeley Law
Organized and sponsored by the Dean’s Office
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a number of complex international legal issues that will be explored in this week’s talk. Who is responsible for addressing a global pandemic? What is the role of the World Health Organization? What is the role of China, and how will lawsuits against it fare? Are government border closures legal? What about other restrictions on fundamental rights that governments around the world are adopting? Other issues will include looking at some of the human rights impacts of the pandemic and how governments are using their authority to combat COVID-19 to target human rights activists.
Zoom link: berkeley.zoom.us/j/98582125881
Meeting ID: 985 8212 5881
For more information, click here