Please join a legislative lunch briefing on policies to boost low-carbon biofuel production in California, hosted by UCLA and UC Berkeley Schools of Law. The event will feature expert speakers, as well as include highlights from the new report Planting Fuels: How California Can Boost Local, Low-Carbon Biofuel Production.
Lisa Mortenson, chief executive officer at Community Fuels
Tim Olson, energy and fuels program manager at the California Energy Commission
- Cliff Rechtschaffen, senior adviser to Governor Brown
- Floyd Vergara, industrial strategies division chief, California Air Resources Board
Friday, January 22, 2016 – 12:00-1:30pm
Governor’s Office large conference room, Capitol Building, Sacramento
Click here to RSVP (space is limited)
This report and webinar is part of the Climate Change and Business Research Initiative,
which is made possible by generous support from Bank of America