Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Reports are broken down by a number of terms which, in order to decipher the reports, you’ll need to be familiar with: Org, Fund, Account, Revenue, Expenditure


Each Journal has it’s own unique ORG ID, which is associated with all of its expenditure and revenue accounts. Each Journal is assigned a number from 12050 through 12061.


In addition to the ORG ID, there are various FUNDS (money sources) which are included under that ORG. The quantity and nature of those funds vary by Journal.

Publications Fund
At a minimum, each Journal has a Publications fund, in which all revenue and expenditures related to the publications operations and functions are grouped.

19900 Fund
Each fiscal year, under a long standing agreement, the University provides the California Law Review with approximately $16,000. This money is distributed amongst all of the Journals (with the exception of CLR) by a percentage based upon page count per calendar year.

Offsetting this State funding are expenses the Journals cover for the Publications Coordinator position. The position’s salary is paid for by the Law School, but at the end of each fiscal year, all other expenditures (including benefits, supplies, mailings, etc.) are charged to ALL of the Journals on a pro rata basis based on the same calendar year page count.

Symposium Funds (fundraising/Donation)
Many of the Journals have established ‘Symposium Funds’ under the guidance of the Law School’s Alumni & Development Department. These funds are comprised of money the Journal has raised either by fund raising or donations; and the majority of the time no specific restrictions limit how the funds can be spent.

As all donations must be deposited through Alumni & Development, as the University takes a 6.5% cut off the top for processing, you’ll have to contact Leslie Banez (lbanez@law.berkeley.edu or 643-6542) in order to find out any particulars about the account. The only information I am able to provide you is the balance.

Please note that it can take up to a month for money received by Alumni & Development to be processed and reflected in your ledgers!