Elaria Youssef quote
Tara Branine quote
Jennifer Sherman quote
Spencer Perry quote
Jessica Santillo quote

Berkeley Law’s mission is to prepare responsible, effective, and visionary advocates who will serve the public’s needs through the practice of law, the formulation of public policy, contributions to legal scholarship, and in other spaces.

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“Part of what makes Berkeley Law special and unique is our public mission.  This is reflected in everything we do. Virtually all of our students do pro bono work beginning in their first year of law school. We provide financial support for our students doing public service work during the summers of law school, through fellowships after law school, and through our Loan Repayment Assistance Program. Our clinics and our centers do important work in representing clients and seeking to improve the law. Our public mission permeates every aspect of Berkeley Law.”
— Dean Erwin Chemerinsky

“The J.D. Admissions and Financial Aid Office has a responsibility to engage, admit, recruit, and support future lawyers who will ultimately serve the legal needs of all members of society.”
— J.D. Admissions

“Berkeley Law’s student body is uniquely dedicated to community-based legal work in the public interest, stemming from the acknowledgement that obtaining a law degree is an immense privilege that should be used as a tool for justice. As a student here, I feel both honored to carry on the work of students who came before me as well as supported in new endeavors to push the needle towards necessary, progressive social change in the legal field.”
— Alexis Hoffman ’22

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Clinic News

scholars_collageConsidering a J.D.? These programs may interest you. 


The Berkeley Law Public Interest Scholars Program is a full three-year scholarship for students dedicated to public interest work. Berkeley Law admitted the first class of Public Interest Scholars in 2021. Meet our first class of scholars.


Berkeley Law maintains a strong commitment to public service-oriented graduates. It is our goal to preserve career choice by lowering the student debt barrier. Learn more.

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