Schedule of Classes - Course Listings and Updates

Spring 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

Please use the links below to navigate to your desired full list of courses by category.

1L List2L/3L List1L Elective List

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1L Required Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)200F200F sec. 001 - Civil Procedure
5Bradt, AndrewF
(unavailable)200F200F sec. 002 - Civil Procedure
5Fisk, CatherineTBATH
(unavailable)200F200F sec. 003 - Civil Procedure
5Farhang, SeanF
(unavailable)200F200F sec. 004 - Civil Procedure
5Oppenheimer, DavidTH
(unavailable)201201 sec. 001 - Torts
4Hoofnagle, ChrisTH
(unavailable)201201 sec. 002 - Torts
4Davis, SethTH
(unavailable)201201 sec. 003 - Torts
4Farber, DanielF
(unavailable)201201 sec. 004 - Torts
4Syed, TalhaTH
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00A - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Reding, Ann
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00B - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Berry, Emily
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00C - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Allan, Robin
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00D - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Taylor, Urmila
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00E - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Laubach, Sarah
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00F - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Allison, James
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00G - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Berg, Cheryl
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00H - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Tam, Linda
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00I - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Kumabe, Kerry
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00J - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Cole, Michelle
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00K - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Plunkett Hurley, Patricia
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00L - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Wu, Margaret
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00M - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Reding, Ann
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00N - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Berry, Emily
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00O - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Allan, Robin
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00P - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Taylor, Urmila
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00Q - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Laubach, Sarah
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00R - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Allison, James
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00S - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Berg, Cheryl
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00T - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Tam, Linda
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00U - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Kumabe, Kerry
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00V - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Cole, Michelle
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00W - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Plunkett Hurley, Patricia
(unavailable)202.1A202.1A sec. 00X - Legal Research and Writing for J.D.s
3Wu, Margaret
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 001 - Contracts
4Atkinson, AbbyeTH
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 002 - Contracts
4Chachko, ElenaF
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 003 - Contracts
4Merges, RobertTH
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 004 - Contracts
4Dagan, HanochF
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 005 - Contracts
4Reddy, DianaF
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 006 - Contracts
4Gergen, MarkTH
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 007 - Contracts
4Trachok, RichardF
(unavailable)202F202F sec. 008 - Contracts
4Holmquist, KristenF
(unavailable)230230 sec. 001 - Criminal Law
4Roth, AndreaF
(unavailable)230230 sec. 002 - Criminal Law
4Glater, JonathanF
(unavailable)230230 sec. 003 - Criminal Law
4Mohamed, SairaF
(unavailable)230230 sec. 004 - Criminal Law
4Bridges, KhiaraTBAF

AI Law and Regulation
No Results

Business Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31702216216 sec. 001 - Law, Economics, and Business Workshop
2Gelbach, J / Edlin, ANone
32059247.3247.3 sec. 001 - FinTech: Tools for Analyzing New Financial Products
1Clark, PaulTH
31726248.5248.5 sec. 001 - Mergers & Acquisitions
3Solomon, StevenTBAF
32225248.52248.52 sec. 001 - M&A on the Ground: Hostiles, Proxy Fights and the M&A Ecosystem
1Lipin, StevenP
31723248.7248.7 sec. 001 - Fundamentals of Leveraged Buyouts
2Oetgen, S / Veit, JTH
31718250250 sec. 001 - Business Associations
4Partnoy, FrankF
31719250250 sec. 002 - Business Associations
4Partnoy, FrankF
32050250250 sec. 003 - Business Associations
4Dibadj, RezaTH
32229251.12251.12 sec. 001 - Advanced Topics in Delaware Corporate Law
1Solomon, S / Will, LTBATH
32589251.13251.13 sec. 001 - The Corporation: Past, Present and Future
2Baker, AndrewNone
32060251.5251.5 sec. 001 - Corporate Finance
4Eldar, OferF
32583251.55251.55 sec. 001 - Art Deals, Dealers, and Litigation
1Levin, SharonTH
32134251.72251.72 sec. 001 - The Court of Public Opinion: Storytelling for Corporate Lawyers
1Zamost, AaronT
32108251.73251.73 sec. 001 - Being General Counsel
3Jaffe, SethP
32178251.75251.75 sec. 001 - Climate Change and Corporate Governance Reform
1Mac Cormac Taylor, S / Fox, BP
(unavailable)251.79251.79 sec. 001 - Leadership Laboratory
2Sterling, AdamT
32189252.71252.71 sec. 001 - Mergers, Market Power and Monopoly in U.S. Antitrust Law
2Wall, DanielT
32555255255 sec. 001 - Venture Capital Law and Finance
3Eldar, OferF
32049255.1255.1 sec. 001 - Negotiating Hollywood Contracts
1Lichter, LindaTH
32556255.4255.4 sec. 001 - Representing Professional Athletes
2Genske, GregoryTH
32058255.5255.5 sec. 001 - Securities Regulation
4Baker, AndrewF
32081255.9255.9 sec. 001 - Venture Capital Deal Bootcamp
2Wertlieb, NeilTH
31751256.5256.5 sec. 001 - Structuring and Negotiating Complex Financial Transactions
1Marks, AllanNone
32606256.51256.51 sec. 001 - Corporate Strategic Transactions
2Halloum, Joseph KhaledTH
32132256.81256.81 sec. 001 - Contracts & Sales for LLMs
3Dibadj, RezaTH
32170257257 sec. 001 - Real Estate Transactions and Litigation
1Wilkinson, S / Reinstra, STH
32194263.1263.1 sec. 001 - Advanced Topics in Corporate Governance: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S and Asia
1Shishido, ZenichiP
See Also:
32236244.13Suing Corporations2Acuna, AdelinaTH
32222245.14Business Negotiations2Sekhon, V / Mitrovich, ANone
31728245.4Drafting and Negotiating Sports Law Contracts3Welsh, Z / Brand, RNone
31713245.9International Business Negotiations3Finkelstein, J / Seem, AP
34191258.7Corporate Tax3Rakowski, EricF
32219262.53Technology and Human Rights2Fletcher, LaurelNone
32137262.81Anticorruption Compliance1Ivanhoe, HanaTH
32161279.3The Business of Intellectual Property2Ostrow, JeffreyNone

CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)283.1H283.1H sec. 001 - Advanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar
1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283H283H sec. 001 - Human Rights Clinic Seminar
2Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)285.2D285.2D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic Seminar I
2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
(unavailable)285.9285.9 sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic Seminar
2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
(unavailable)289289 sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Seminar
2Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)290A290A sec. 001 - Policy Advocacy Clinic Seminar
2Selbin, J / Shea, DNone
(unavailable)295.5D295.5D sec. 001 - Death Penalty Clinic
4 - 6Semel / Alper / RamanNone
(unavailable)295.5E295.5E sec. 001 - Environmental Law Clinic
4Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5F295.5F sec. 001 - Advanced Environmental Law Clinic
2 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5H295.5H sec. 001 - Human Rights Clinic
4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5I295.5I sec. 001 - Advanced Human Rights Clinic
1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5P295.5P sec. 001 - Policy Advocacy Clinic
1 - 10Waite-Jones / Grayson / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5T295.5T sec. 001 - Samuelson Clinic
4Stallman / Crump / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5X295.5X sec. 001 - Advanced Policy Advocacy Clinic
1 - 10Green / Shea / Waite-JonesNone
(unavailable)295.5Y295.5Y sec. 001 - Advanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Oyama / Bixby / BayNone
(unavailable)295.5Z295.5Z sec. 001 - East Bay Community Law Center Clinic
1 - 10Oyama / Ahmad / BixbyNone

Consumer Law & Economic Justice
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32604285.45285.45 sec. 001 - Legislative Advocacy for Economic Justice
2Garcia, NormaT
See Also:
32233225.81Navigating US Healthcare Law2Zemelman, MarkT
32112226.9State and Local Impact Litigation Practicum Seminar2Habig, J / Bernstein, ET
32113226.9AState and Local Impact Litigation Practicum2Bernstein, E / Habig, JNone
32236244.13Suing Corporations2Acuna, AdelinaTH
32551244.61Multidistrict Litigation: The New Reality of Class Actions and Mass Torts1Cabraser, E / Bradt, AP
32583251.55Art Deals, Dealers, and Litigation1Levin, SharonTH

Criminal Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31716231231 sec. 001 - Criminal Procedure - Investigations
4Weisselberg, CharlesF
31735233233 sec. 001 - White Collar Crime
2Craig, A / Fakhoury, HTH
32159235.32235.32 sec. 001 - Youth Justice Law, Practice and Policy
2Ridolfi, L / Laba, JNone
32549236236 sec. 001 - Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar
3Davis, RyanP
32210244.41244.41 sec. 001 - Post Conviction Remedies
3Alejo, R / Gardner, CP
(unavailable)244.43244.43 sec. 001 - Postconviction Resentencing Practicum Seminar
1Crider, A / Boudin, CNone
(unavailable)244.4A244.4A sec. 001 - Postconviction Resentencing Practicum
2Boudin, C / Crider, ANone
See Also:
31750246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
32570278.78Computer Crime Law3Kerr, OrinF
31724282.1Domestic Violence & the Law: Past and Possible Future3Kaur, MallikaTH
(unavailable)285.2DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar I2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Alper / RamanNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Bixby / BayNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Landrum / BixbyNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
32032295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Wu / Schechter / TiptonNone

Environmental and Energy Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32562264.1264.1 sec. 001 - Ocean and Coastal Law
3Doremus, HollyTH/P
32563270.6270.6 sec. 001 - Energy Law and Policy
3Jacobs, SharonF
31952271271 sec. 001 - Environmental Law & Policy
4Biber, E / Infelise, RTH
(unavailable)271.5271.5 sec. 001 - Environmental Law Writing Seminar
2Jacobs, SharonP
32564272.2272.2 sec. 001 - Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment
3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
32566273.63273.63 sec. 001 - Public Lands and Natural Resources Law
3Loarie, GregoryTH
32587273.74273.74 sec. 001 - California Climate Law and Policy
2Rechtschaffen, C / Bedsworth, LNone
See Also:
32178251.75Climate Change and Corporate Governance Reform1Mac Cormac Taylor, S / Fox, BP
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic2 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone

Family Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31958258258 sec. 001 - Estates and Trusts
3Rahmanian, RomyF
31724282.1282.1 sec. 001 - Domestic Violence & the Law: Past and Possible Future
3Kaur, MallikaTBATH

Field Placements
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)221.61221.61 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Seminar
5Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)221.62221.62 sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course
2Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)289A289A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship Seminar
1Djemal / Schechter / FongNone
(unavailable)295295 sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar
2Schechter, S / Mark, JNone
(unavailable)295295 sec. 002 - Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar
2Schechter, S / Adams, BNone
(unavailable)295.6A295.6A sec. 001 - Civil Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6B295.6B sec. 001 - Criminal Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6C295.6C sec. 001 - Environmental Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6K295.6K sec. 001 - Structural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement
6Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)295.7A295.7A sec. 001 - Away Field Placement
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8A295.8A sec. 001 - Judicial Externship:Away
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8B295.8B sec. 001 - Judicial Externships: Bay Area
4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9A295.9A sec. 001 - UCDC: Law Field Placement
10 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295B295B sec. 001 - Field Placement Workshop
1Ibrahim / Schechter / MendozaNone
32032295C295C sec. 001 - Criminal Law Ethics Seminar
2Wu / Schechter / TiptonNone
(unavailable)295D295D sec. 001 - UCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar
3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone
(unavailable)295F295F sec. 001 - INHR: Geneva Field Placement Seminar
1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295J295J sec. 001 - Away Field Placement Workshop
1Morales, M / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295K295K sec. 001 - Professional Identity in US Public and Private Sector Practice
1Kelly, A / Peck, INone

General Courses
No Results

History and Historical Law
No Results

Intellectual Property and Technology Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31748275.3275.3 sec. 001 - Intellectual Property Law
4Syed, TalhaTH
32567276.14276.14 sec. 001 - The Law and Governance of Artificial Intelligence
3Chien, ColleenF
32087276.32276.32 sec. 001 - Topics in Privacy and Security Law
3Schwartz, PaulNone
32082276.4276.4 sec. 001 - Computer Law
1Determann, LotharNone
32083276.61276.61 sec. 001 - Biotechnology Law
2McClung, B / Show, MTH
32568276.9276.9 sec. 001 - Patent Prosecution
2Cole, A / Schallop, MTH
32084276P276P sec. 001 - Information Privacy Law
4Schwartz, PaulTH
32168277.1277.1 sec. 001 - Trade Secret Law
2Almeling, DavidTH
32569278.7278.7 sec. 001 - Music Law Practice
2Schacht, DanielNone
32085278.75278.75 sec. 001 - Entertainment Law in the TV Industry
1Gomez, RafaelTH
32570278.78278.78 sec. 001 - Computer Crime Law
3Kerr, OrinF
32161279.3279.3 sec. 001 - The Business of Intellectual Property
2Ostrow, JeffreyNone
33427279.31279.31 sec. 001 - Deep Tech Commercialization Strategies
3Heiden, B / Rappaport, MNone
(unavailable)280A280A sec. 001 - Law and Technology Writing Workshop
3Stacy, W / Schmitt, ANone
(unavailable)295.4G295.4G sec. 001 - Name, Image & Likeness (NIL) Practicum Seminar
1Stacy / Welsh / BrandT
(unavailable)295.4I295.4I sec. 001 - Name, Image & Likeness Practicum
2Marek / Stacy / ChapmanNone
See Also:
32583251.55Art Deals, Dealers, and Litigation1Levin, SharonTH
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Stallman / Crump / UrbanNone

International and Comparative Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)224224 sec. 001 - Conducting Open Source Investigations
4Koenig, A / Barstow, DNone
32558257.9257.9 sec. 001 - Law of the Sea
1Yoo, JohnTBATH
32152261.2261.2 sec. 001 - International Litigation and Arbitration
3Popovic, NeilTH
32141261.73261.73 sec. 001 - Self Determination of Peoples in International Law
1Solway, AsaT
32560262.3262.3 sec. 001 - International Trade
3Grewal, DavidF
32219262.53262.53 sec. 001 - Technology and Human Rights
2Fletcher, LaurelNone
32581262.54262.54 sec. 001 - Human Rights Futures: New Directions in Law and Practice
3Fletcher, LaurelNone
32174262.66262.66 sec. 001 - Forced Migration
2Jacobs, TilmanP
32086262.68262.68 sec. 001 - Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations
3Koenig, A / Stover, EP
32137262.81262.81 sec. 001 - Anticorruption Compliance
1Ivanhoe, HanaTH
32561263263 sec. 001 - International Human Rights
3Mohamed, SairaF
32584264.53264.53 sec. 001 - Comparative Equality 1
2Oppenheimer, DavidNone
32585264.54264.54 sec. 001 - Comparative Equality 2
2Oppenheimer, DavidNone
31739264.6264.6 sec. 001 - Health and Human Rights
3Haar, R / Stover, EP
See Also:
31713245.9International Business Negotiations3Finkelstein, J / Seem, AP
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)295.5HHuman Rights Clinic4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295FINHR: Geneva Field Placement Seminar1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone

J.S.D.-Required Classes
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)206.76206.76 sec. 001 - J.S.D. Seminar
1Sherwood, JessieT

Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP)
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31743209209 sec. 001 - JSP Orientation Seminar
3Penningroth, DylanNone
32047210.2A210.2A sec. 001 - Workshop in Law, Philosophy & Political Theory
3Cohen, J / Munoz-Darde, VP
32543212212 sec. 001 - Critical Theory and Social Science Methods
3Obasogie, OsagieP
32547225.1225.1 sec. 001 - Law and Politics Foundation Seminar
3Goldstein, RebeccaP
32163234.2234.2 sec. 001 - Criminal Justice Theory
3Simon, JonathanP
32138267.4267.4 sec. 001 - Law & History Foundation Seminar
3Tomlins, ChristopherP

LL.M. Required Courses
No Results

LL.M.-Only Classes
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31778206.4A206.4A sec. 001 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Jacobs, SamanthaP
31779206.4A206.4A sec. 002 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Fog, PaulaP
31780206.4A206.4A sec. 003 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Ali, ShahiraP
31781206.4A206.4A sec. 004 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Cox, GenevieveP
31782206.4A206.4A sec. 005 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Denniston, MonicaP
31783206.4A206.4A sec. 006 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Grinold, KathleenP
32142206.4A206.4A sec. 007 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Call, GregoryP
32143206.4A206.4A sec. 008 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Williams, BasilP
32144206.4A206.4A sec. 009 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Rahmanian, RomyP
32145206.4A206.4A sec. 010 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Guo, LarryP
32146206.4A206.4A sec. 011 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Baldwin, BradyP
32147206.4A206.4A sec. 012 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Park, EugeneP
32148206.4A206.4A sec. 013 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2McCausland, CourtneyP
32153206.4A206.4A sec. 014 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Choi, MarioP
32154206.4A206.4A sec. 015 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Santamaria, MarcP
32173206.4A206.4A sec. 016 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Biolo, JustinP
32235206.4A206.4A sec. 017 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Chizen, StevenP
33781206.4A206.4A sec. 018 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Minguet, PolP
33868206.4A206.4A sec. 019 - Legal Research and Writing for LL.M. Students
2Biolo, JustinP
31711208.9208.9 sec. 001 - Fundamentals of U.S. Law
3Fernholz, WilliamTH
32135208.9208.9 sec. 002 - Fundamentals of U.S. Law
3Rahmanian, RomyTH
32136208.9208.9 sec. 003 - Fundamentals of U.S. Law
3Rice, CharlesTH
32649208.9208.9 sec. 004 - Fundamentals of U.S. Law
3Jacobs, SamanthaTH

Law and Economics
No Results

Law and Society
No Results

Law in Cultural Perspective
No Results

Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31752210210 sec. 001 - Legal Profession
2Jargiello, DavidTH
32046210210 sec. 002 - Legal Profession
2Steele, JohnF/P
32057210210 sec. 003 - Legal Profession
2Roche, DenaTH
See Also:
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Schechter, S / Mark, JNone
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Schechter, S / Adams, BNone
32032295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Wu / Schechter / TiptonNone

Legal History
No Results

Legal Theory
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32545215.9215.9 sec. 001 - Legal Theory Seminar
3Dagan, HanochP
See Also:
32541203.2Private Law Theory3Dagan, HanochP

Legal Theory and Ethics
No Results

Litigation and Procedure
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32244222222 sec. 001 - Federal Courts
3Fletcher, WilliamF
32588240.6240.6 sec. 001 - Civil Procedure Scholarship Workshop
2Gelbach, J / Bradt, ANone
31731241241 sec. 001 - Evidence
4Gelbach, JonahF
31732241241 sec. 002 - Evidence
4Roth, AndreaF
32068241241 sec. 003 - Evidence
3Spencer, MaiF
(unavailable)243.7243.7 sec. 001 - 9th Circuit Practicum Seminar
2Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7A243.7A sec. 001 - 9th Circuit Practicum
4Fernholz / Crook / LakinT
32236244.13244.13 sec. 001 - Suing Corporations
2Acuna, AdelinaTH
32165244.2244.2 sec. 001 - Remedies
3Infelise, RobertTH
32551244.61244.61 sec. 001 - Multidistrict Litigation: The New Reality of Class Actions and Mass Torts
1Cabraser, E / Bradt, AP
See Also:
32112226.9State and Local Impact Litigation Practicum Seminar2Habig, J / Bernstein, ET
32113226.9AState and Local Impact Litigation Practicum2Bernstein, E / Habig, JNone
31725243Appellate Advocacy3Fernholz, WilliamT
31720243Appellate Advocacy3Hicks, ScotiaP
32550243Appellate Advocacy3Robert-Gordon, AlexandraP
32583251.55Art Deals, Dealers, and Litigation1Levin, SharonTH
32170257Real Estate Transactions and Litigation1Wilkinson, S / Reinstra, STH
32152261.2International Litigation and Arbitration3Popovic, NeilTH
(unavailable)295.4IName, Image & Likeness Practicum2Marek / Stacy / ChapmanNone

Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
No Results
See Also:
32218244.84Mindfulness Based Conflict Resolution1Brach, DarshanP

No Results
See Also:
32112226.9State and Local Impact Litigation Practicum Seminar2Habig, J / Bernstein, ET
(unavailable)243.79th Circuit Practicum Seminar2Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7A9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / LakinT
(unavailable)244.43Postconviction Resentencing Practicum Seminar1Crider, A / Boudin, CNone
(unavailable)244.4APostconviction Resentencing Practicum2Boudin, C / Crider, ANone
(unavailable)295.4CVeterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4DVeterans Law Practicum1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4GName, Image & Likeness (NIL) Practicum Seminar1Stacy / Welsh / BrandT
(unavailable)295.4IName, Image & Likeness Practicum2Marek / Stacy / ChapmanNone
(unavailable)295.4KAdvanced Veterans Law Practicum1 - 2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4LAdvanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone

Private Law and Theory
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31701203203 sec. 001 - Property
4Argueta Funes, JoseF
32541203.2203.2 sec. 1 - Private Law Theory
3Dagan, HanochP
See Also:
31958258Estates and Trusts3Rahmanian, RomyF

Public Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32224220.43220.43 sec. 001 - Constitutional Interpretation
1Yoo, JohnTBAP
31707220.6220.6 sec. 001 - Constitutional Law
4Haney Lopez, IanF
32187220.9220.9 sec. 001 - First Amendment
4Chemerinsky, ErwinTH
32233225.81225.81 sec. 001 - Navigating US Healthcare Law
2Zemelman, MarkT
32207287.7287.7 sec. 001 - Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law
3Abrams, KathrynTH
See Also:
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)243.79th Circuit Practicum Seminar2Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7A9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / LakinT
32559260.1Tax Policy and Public Finance2Auerbach, AlanP
32581262.54Human Rights Futures: New Directions in Law and Practice3Fletcher, LaurelNone
32174262.66Forced Migration2Jacobs, TilmanP
32567276.14The Law and Governance of Artificial Intelligence3Chien, ColleenF
(unavailable)295.6KStructural Change in Public Education Away Field Placement6Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement10 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone

Race and Law
No Results
See Also:
32543212Critical Theory and Social Science Methods3Obasogie, OsagieP
(unavailable)212.3Critical Race Theory1Bridges, KhiaraNone
33399224.3Social Justice Issues in Entertainment and Media Law3Robinson, RussellP
32233225.81Navigating US Healthcare Law2Zemelman, MarkT
31716231Criminal Procedure - Investigations4Weisselberg, CharlesF
32163234.2Criminal Justice Theory3Simon, JonathanP
32159235.32Youth Justice Law, Practice and Policy2Ridolfi, L / Laba, JNone
32549236Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar3Davis, RyanP
32210244.41Post Conviction Remedies3Alejo, R / Gardner, CP
(unavailable)244.43Postconviction Resentencing Practicum Seminar1Crider, A / Boudin, CNone
(unavailable)244.4APostconviction Resentencing Practicum2Boudin, C / Crider, ANone
31750246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
32141261.73Self Determination of Peoples in International Law1Solway, AsaT
32581262.54Human Rights Futures: New Directions in Law and Practice3Fletcher, LaurelNone
32174262.66Forced Migration2Jacobs, TilmanP
32584264.53Comparative Equality 12Oppenheimer, DavidNone
32585264.54Comparative Equality 22Oppenheimer, DavidNone
32138267.4Law & History Foundation Seminar3Tomlins, ChristopherP
32564272.2Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
32571284.1Employment Discrimination4Joslin, CourtneyF
(unavailable)285.2DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar I2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
32604285.45Legislative Advocacy for Economic Justice2Garcia, NormaT
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
32207287.7Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law3Abrams, KathrynTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)290APolicy Advocacy Clinic Seminar2Selbin, J / Shea, DNone
(unavailable)295.4CVeterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4DVeterans Law Practicum1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4KAdvanced Veterans Law Practicum1 - 2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4LAdvanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Alper / RamanNone
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5PPolicy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Waite-Jones / Grayson / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Green / Shea / ZwerlingNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Bixby / BayNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Landrum / BixbyNone

Simulation Courses
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
31759207.5207.5 sec. 001 - J.D. Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
31760207.5207.5 sec. 002 - J.D. Advanced Legal Writing
3Saffouri, LindsayNone
(unavailable)207.5207.5 sec. 003 - J.D. Advanced Legal Writing
3DiGennaro, DianaP
31725243243 sec. 001 - Appellate Advocacy
3Fernholz, WilliamT
31720243243 sec. 002 - Appellate Advocacy
3Hicks, ScotiaP
32550243243 sec. 003 - Appellate Advocacy
3Robert-Gordon, AlexandraP
31756244.49244.49 sec. 001 - Trial Competition
2Pahlke, S / Forster, JNone
32140244.8244.8 sec. 001 - Mediation
3Brach, DarshanP
32218244.84244.84 sec. 001 - Mindfulness Based Conflict Resolution
1Brach, DarshanP
32155244.91A244.91A sec. 001 - Appellate Competition Intensive
1Pelletier, TedNone
31740245245 sec. 001 - Negotiations
3Genske, GregoryP
31741245245 sec. 002 - Negotiations
3Hockett, ChristopherT
31742245245 sec. 003 - Negotiations
3Soneji, S / Lee, JT
32222245.14245.14 sec. 001 - Business Negotiations
2Sekhon, V / Mitrovich, ANone
32217245.23245.23 sec. 001 - Evidence Advocacy and Trial Objections
1Cotter, NicholasNone
31728245.4245.4 sec. 001 - Drafting and Negotiating Sports Law Contracts
3Welsh, Z / Brand, RNone
(unavailable)245.7245.7 sec. 001 - Negotiations Competition Intensive
1Waasted, ClintonNone
31713245.9245.9 sec. 001 - International Business Negotiations
3Finkelstein, J / Seem, AP
31750246.1246.1 sec. 001 - Criminal Trial Practice
3Denton, CharlesT
32190256.2256.2 sec. 001 - Transactional Drafting
1Reichmann, CharlesP
32191256.2256.2 sec. 002 - Transactional Drafting
1Reichmann, CharlesP
32105256.3256.3 sec. 001 - Understanding and Drafting Business Documents
1Firstenberg, NogaNone
32238295.3J295.3J sec. 001 - McBaine Honors Competition
2Washington, GregoryT
See Also:
32134251.72The Court of Public Opinion: Storytelling for Corporate Lawyers1Zamost, AaronT
32108251.73Being General Counsel3Jaffe, SethP
32606256.51Corporate Strategic Transactions2Halloum, Joseph KhaledTH

Social Justice and Public Interest
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
(unavailable)212.3212.3 sec. 001 - Critical Race Theory
1Bridges, KhiaraTBANone
33399224.3224.3 sec. 001 - Social Justice Issues in Entertainment and Media Law
3Robinson, RussellP
32546224.6224.6 sec. 001 - Selected Topics in Reproductive Justice
1Abrams, KathrynNone
32112226.9226.9 sec. 001 - State and Local Impact Litigation Practicum Seminar
2Habig, J / Bernstein, ET
32113226.9A226.9A sec. 001 - State and Local Impact Litigation Practicum
2Bernstein, E / Habig, JNone
32055283.4283.4 sec. 001 - Advanced Civil Rights
2Powell, JohnP
(unavailable)295.4C295.4C sec. 001 - Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar
1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4D295.4D sec. 001 - Veterans Law Practicum
1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4K295.4K sec. 001 - Advanced Veterans Law Practicum
1 - 2Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
(unavailable)295.4L295.4L sec. 001 - Advanced Veterans' Law Practicum Seminar
1Goldberg, Rose CarmenNone
See Also:
(unavailable)221.61Structural Change in Public Education Seminar5Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)221.62Structural Change in Public Education Simulation Course2Schechter, S / Holmquist, KNone
(unavailable)224Conducting Open Source Investigations4Koenig, A / Barstow, DNone
32233225.81Navigating US Healthcare Law2Zemelman, MarkT
32163234.2Criminal Justice Theory3Simon, JonathanP
32159235.32Youth Justice Law, Practice and Policy2Ridolfi, L / Laba, JNone
32549236Capital Punishment and the Constitution Seminar3Davis, RyanP
(unavailable)243.79th Circuit Practicum Seminar2Lakin, J / Fernholz, WNone
(unavailable)243.7A9th Circuit Practicum4Fernholz / Crook / LakinT
32236244.13Suing Corporations2Acuna, AdelinaTH
(unavailable)244.43Postconviction Resentencing Practicum Seminar1Crider, A / Boudin, CNone
(unavailable)244.4APostconviction Resentencing Practicum2Boudin, C / Crider, ANone
31750246.1Criminal Trial Practice3Denton, CharlesT
32178251.75Climate Change and Corporate Governance Reform1Mac Cormac Taylor, S / Fox, BP
(unavailable)251.79Leadership Laboratory2Sterling, AdamT
32141261.73Self Determination of Peoples in International Law1Solway, AsaT
32219262.53Technology and Human Rights2Fletcher, LaurelNone
32581262.54Human Rights Futures: New Directions in Law and Practice3Fletcher, LaurelNone
32174262.66Forced Migration2Jacobs, TilmanP
32086262.68Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations3Koenig, A / Stover, EP
32561263International Human Rights3Mohamed, SairaF
32584264.53Comparative Equality 12Oppenheimer, DavidNone
32585264.54Comparative Equality 22Oppenheimer, DavidNone
31739264.6Health and Human Rights3Haar, R / Stover, EP
32138267.4Law & History Foundation Seminar3Tomlins, ChristopherP
32564272.2Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment3Ghafar, M / Tu, CP
31724282.1Domestic Violence & the Law: Past and Possible Future3Kaur, MallikaTH
(unavailable)283.1HAdvanced Human Rights Clinic Seminar1Altholz, RoxannaNone
(unavailable)283HHuman Rights Clinic Seminar2Altholz, RoxannaNone
32571284.1Employment Discrimination4Joslin, CourtneyF
(unavailable)285.2DDeath Penalty Clinic Seminar I2Alper, T / Semel, ENone
32604285.45Legislative Advocacy for Economic Justice2Garcia, NormaT
(unavailable)285.9Samuelson Clinic Seminar2Urban, J / Crump, CNone
32207287.7Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law3Abrams, KathrynTH
(unavailable)289East Bay Community Law Center Seminar2Polk, Z / Oyama, RNone
(unavailable)289AJudicial Externship Seminar1Djemal / Schechter / FongNone
(unavailable)290APolicy Advocacy Clinic Seminar2Selbin, J / Shea, DNone
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Schechter, S / Mark, JNone
(unavailable)295Civil Field Placement Ethics Seminar2Schechter, S / Adams, BNone
(unavailable)295.5DDeath Penalty Clinic4 - 6Semel / Alper / RamanNone
(unavailable)295.5EEnvironmental Law Clinic4Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5FAdvanced Environmental Law Clinic2 - 5Castleman, SteveNone
(unavailable)295.5HHuman Rights Clinic4 - 6Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5IAdvanced Human Rights Clinic1 - 10Altholz / Kapoor / KerwinNone
(unavailable)295.5PPolicy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Waite-Jones / Grayson / GreenNone
(unavailable)295.5TSamuelson Clinic4Stallman / Crump / UrbanNone
(unavailable)295.5XAdvanced Policy Advocacy Clinic1 - 10Green / Shea / ZwerlingNone
(unavailable)295.5YAdvanced East Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Bixby / BayNone
(unavailable)295.5ZEast Bay Community Law Center Clinic1 - 10Oyama / Landrum / BixbyNone
(unavailable)295.6ACivil Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6BCriminal Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.6CEnvironmental Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.7AAway Field Placement4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8AJudicial Externship:Away4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.8BJudicial Externships: Bay Area4 - 12Schechter, SueNone
(unavailable)295.9AUCDC: Law Field Placement10 - 12Lehtman, N / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295BField Placement Workshop1Ibrahim / Schechter / MendozaNone
32032295CCriminal Law Ethics Seminar2Wu / Schechter / TiptonNone
(unavailable)295DUCDC: Law and Lawyering in the Nation's Capital Seminar3Schechter, S / Lehtman, NNone
(unavailable)295FINHR: Geneva Field Placement Seminar1Schechter, S / Richardson, ENone
(unavailable)295JAway Field Placement Workshop1Morales, M / Schechter, SNone
(unavailable)295KProfessional Identity in US Public and Private Sector Practice1Kelly, A / Peck, INone

Tax Law and Policy
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32167253.4253.4 sec. 001 - Taxation of Modern Financial Products
1Gergen, MarkP
34191258.7258.7 sec. 001 - Corporate Tax
3Rakowski, EricF
31953259A259A sec. 001 - Income Tax I
4Dharmapala, DhammikaF
32559260.1260.1 sec. 001 - Tax Policy and Public Finance
2Auerbach, AlanP

Theoretical Perspectives
No Results

Wellness and Lawyering
No Results

Work Law
CCNCourse#TitleUnitsInstructorTeaching TimesRoomExamNotes
32571284.1284.1 sec. 001 - Employment Discrimination
4Joslin, CourtneyF