Course listing for Laurent Mayali

Laurent Mayali is teaching the following courses in Spring 2024:

219.4T sec. 001 - Courts, Lawyers and Justice in Film
264.75 sec. 001 - Introduction to Comparative Law
265.21 sec. 001 - Introduction to Sub-Saharan African Legal Systems

Courses During Other Semesters

SemesterCourse NumCourse Titlelock Teaching Evaluations
Fall 2023 206.76 sec. 001J.S.D. Legal Scholarship SeminarView Teaching Evaluation
Spring 2023 219.4T sec. 001Courts, Lawyers and Justice in FilmView Teaching Evaluation
 264.75 sec. 001Introduction to Comparative LawView Teaching Evaluation
 267.51 sec. 001Introduction to Roman LawView Teaching Evaluation