Course listing for Tejas N Narechania

Tejas N Narechania is teaching the following courses in Spring 2024:

203 sec. 001 - Property
222.13 sec. 001 - Colloquium on the Court and Judicial Process
275.71 sec. 001 - Law and Technology Colloquium

Courses During Other Semesters

SemesterCourse NumCourse Titlelock Teaching Evaluations
Summer 2024 226.4S sec. 001Regulated Digital Industries 
Fall 2023 226.4 sec. 001Regulated Digital Industries: Telecommunications Law & Policy for a Modern EraView Teaching Evaluation
Summer 2023 226.4S sec. 001Regulated Digital IndustriesView Teaching Evaluation
Spring 2023 203 sec. 001PropertyView Teaching Evaluation