Aberdeen Student Law Review (UK)
Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (Ukraine)
ACDI -Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional (Colombia)
Acta Juridica (South Africa)
Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Juridica (Czech Republic)
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Legal Studies (Romania)
L'Actualité Juridique: Droit Administratif (France)
Africa Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law (South Africa)
African Human Rights Law Journal (South Africa)
African Journal of International Criminal Justice (Netherlands)
African Journal of International and Comparative Law/Revue
African Journal on Conflict Resolution (South Africa)
Africaine de Droit International et Comparé (UK)
African Journal of Legal Studies (The Netherlands)
African Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire African de Droit International (UK)
AIDA: Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore, della Cultura e dello Specttacolo (Italy)
AIIB Yearbook of International Law (Netherlands)
Állam- és Jogtudomány (Hungary)
The American Journal of Comparative Law (USA)
American Journal of International Law (USA)
The American Review of International Arbitration (USA)
Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu (Serbia)
Annales de Droit de Louvain: Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Belge (Belgium)
Annales du Droit Luxembourgeois (Belgium)
Annals of Air and Space Law (Canada)
Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique (France)
Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International (Switzerland)
Annuaire du Droit de la Mer (France)
Annuaire Européen (Netherlands)
Annuaire Français de Droit International (France)
Annual of German and European Law (US)
Annual Survey of South African Law (South Africa)
Anuario Argentino de Derecho Internacional (Argentina)
Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional (Colombia)
Anuario de Derecho (Panama)
Anuario de Derecho Civil (Spain)
Anuario de Derecho Civil Uruguayo (Uruguay)
Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español (Spain)
Anuario español de Derecho Internacional Privado (Spain)
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (Mexico)
Anuario Mexicano de Historia del Derecho (Mexico)
Anuário Português de Direito Constitucional (Portugal)
Arab Law Quarterly (UK)
Arbitration International (UK)
Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (Germany)
Archiv des Völkerrechts (Germany)
Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (Germany)
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (Germany)
Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht (Germany)
Archives de Philosophie du Droit (France)
Archivio Giuridico "Filippo Serafini" (Italy)
Arctic Review on Law and Politics (Norway)
Arhiv za Pravne i Društvene Nauke (Yugoslavia)
Armenopoulos (Greece)
Ars Aequi: juridisch studentblad (Netherlands)
Art, Antiquity and Law (UK)
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law (UK)
The Asian Business Lawyer (South Korea)
Asian Journal of International Law (UK)
Asian Journal of Law and Society (UK)
Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy (Taiwan)
Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (UK)
Asian Yearbook of International Law (Netherlands)
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy (Netherlands)
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law (The Netherlands)
Asia-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin (Singapore)
Ateneo Law Journal (Philippines)
Athens Journal of Law (Greece)
Australian Journal of Asian Law (Australia)
Australian Year Book of International Law (Australia)
Austrian Review of International and European Law (Netherlands)
Baku State University law Review (Azerbaijan)
Baltic Yearbook of International Law (Netherlands)
Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi (Turkey)
Berkeley Journal of International Law (USA)
Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern Islamic Law (USA)
Boletim da Faculdade de Díreito, Coimbra, & Supplements (Portugal)
Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado (Mexico)
British Journal of American Legal Studies (UK)
British Year Book of International Law (UK)
Bulletin for International Taxation (Netherlands)
Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoja" (Italy)
Business and Human Rights Journal (UK)
Les Cahiers de Droit (Canada)
Cahiers de Droit Européen (Belgium)
Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International, International Fiscal Association (Netherlands)
Cambodia Yearbook of Comparative Legal Studies (Cambodia)
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (UK)
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (UK)
Canadian Council on International Law/Conseil Canadien de Droit International: Proceedings of the annual conference (Canada)
Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law (Canada)
Canadian Journal of Human Rights (Canada)
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (Canada)
Canadian Yearbook of International Law (Canada)
Caribbean Law Bulletin (Jamaica)
Caribbean Law Review (Barbados)
Caribisch juristenblad (Netherlands Antilles)
Central European Journal of Comparative Law (Hungary)
China-EU Law Journal (Germany)
China Law and Practice (China, PRC)
China Legal Development Yearbook (Netherlands)
China Oceans Law Review (China)
The China Quarterly (UK)
The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (UK)
Chinese Journal of Environmental Law (Netherlands)
Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (USA)
Chinese Yearbook of International Law (Chong Guo Guo Ji Fa Nian Kan) (China, PRC)
Ciberspazio e Diritto, Internet e le Professioni Giuridiche (Italy)
Climate Law (Netherlands)
Colombo Law Review (Sri Lanka)
Columbia Journal of Asian Law (USA)
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (USA)
Common Market Law Review (Netherlands)
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (South Africa)
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business (Netherlands)
Comparative Legal History (UK)
Competition Law Journal (UK)
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review (UK)
Computer und Recht (Germany)
Comunicazoni e Studi, Istituto di Diritto Internazionale e Straniero della Università di Milano (Italy)
La Comunità Internazionale (Italy)
Constitutional Court Review (South Africa)
Constitutional Forum (Canada)
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal (Taiwan)
Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences Yearbook (Croatia)
Croatian and Comparative Public Administration (Croatia)
Croatian Arbitration Yearbook (Croatia)
Czech Yearbook of International Law (USA)
De Jure Law Journal (South Africa)
Defensor Legis (Finland)
The Denning Law Journal (UK)
Derecho PUCP (Peru)
Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt (Germany)
Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali (Italy)
Il Diritto dell'Informazione e dell'Informatica (Italy)
Il Diritto di Autore (Italy)
Diritto e Giurisprudenza (Italy)
Il Diritto Marittimo (Italy)
Documentación Jurídica (Spain)
Dong-A Journal of International Business Transactions Law (Korea)
Dreptul (Romania)
Droit et Société: Revue Internationale de Théorie de Droit et de Sociologie Juridique (France)
Droit International Privé: Travaux du Comité Français de Droit International Privé (France)
Le Droit Maritime Français (France)
Droit Polonais Contemporain (Poland)
Droit Social (France)
Droits: Revue Française de Théorie Juridique (France)
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights (Uganda)
East European Yearbook on Human Rights (Estonia)
Eastern Africa Law Review (Tanzania)
EBOR: European Business Organization Law Review (Netherlands)
Edinburgh Law Review (UK)
Edinburgh Student Law Review (UK)
Ephemeris Hellenon Nomikon (Greece)
Epitheoresis tou Emporikou Dikaiou (Greece)
Estudios de Derecho (Colombia)
Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law (Switzerland)
Europa e Diritto Privato (Italy)
Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift (Germany)
Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (Germany)
Europarecht (Germany)
European Company and Financial Law Review (Germany)
European Company Law (Netherlands)
European Competition Journal (UK)
European Competition Law Review (UK)
European Constitutional Law Review (Netherlands)
European Criminal Law Review (Germany)
The European Data Protection Law Review (Germany)
European Energy and Environmental Law Review (UK)
European Intellectual Property Review (UK)
European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) (Netherlands)
European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance (Netherlands)
European Journal of International Law/Journal européen de droit international (Italy)
European Journal of Law Reform (UK)
European Journal of Migration Law (The Netherlands)
European Journal of Risk Regulation (Germany)
European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context (UK)
European Law Review (UK)
European Legal Forum/Forum Iuris Communis Europae (English ed.) (UK)
European Public Law (UK)
European Review of Private Law (Netherlands)
European Review of Contract Law (Germany)
European Taxation (Netherlands)
European Transport Law (Belgium)
European Yearbook of Disability Law (Belgium)
European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (Netherlands)
European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Germany)
European Yearbook of Minority Issues (Netherlands)
Fa Xue Jia/Jurists Review (China, PRC)
Familia: Rivista di Diritto della Famiglia e delle Successioni in Europa (Italy)
Faxue Lun Ts'ung (National Taiwan University Law Journal) (Taiwan)
Faxue Pinglun (Legal Science Review) (China, PRC)
Faxue Yanjiu (Studies in Law) (China, PRC)
Finnish Yearbook of International Law (Finland)
Foro Italiano (Italy)
Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift (Sweden)
Frontiers of Law in China (China)
Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History (South Africa)
George Washington International Law Review (USA)
German Yearbook of International Law (Germany)
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (Germany)
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht: Internationaler Teil (Germany)
Giurisprudenza Costituzionale (Italy)
Giurisprudenza Italiana (Italy)
Global Community: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (USA)
Global Constitutionalism (UK)
Global Journal of Comparative Law (Netherlands)
Global Jurist Advances (US)
Global Jurist Frontiers (US)
Global Jurist Topics (US)
Global Privacy Law Review (Netherlands)
Global Responsibility to Protect (Netherlands)
GLOSSAE: European Journal of Legal History (Spain)
Goettingen Journal of International Law (Germany)
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht (Germany)
Gosudarstvo i Pravo (Russia)
Göttingen Journal of International Law (Germany)
GPR: Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht/European Community Private Law Review (Germany)
Hague Journal of the Rule of Law (Netherlands)
Hague Yearbook of International Law (Netherlands)
Hapraklit (Israel)
Haramaya Law Review (Ethiopia)
Harvard International Law Journal (USA)
Hellenic Review of European Law/Revue Hellenique de Droit Européen (Greece)
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics (Japan)
Hong Kong Law Journal (Hong Kong)
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava/ Croatian and Comparative Public Administration (Croatia)
Human Rights Quarterly (USA)
Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law (Netherlands)
I-CON. International Journal of Constitutional Law (USA)
ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (USA)
Indian Journal of International Law (India)
Indigenous Law Journal at the University Of Toronto, Faculty Of Law (Canada)
The Indonesian Journal of International & Comparative Law (Indonesia)
Inonu University Law Review (Turkey)
International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal (UK)
International Comparative Jurisprudence (ICJ) (Lithuania)
International and Comparative Law Quarterly (UK)
International Corporate Law (UK)
International Criminal Law Review (The Netherlands)
International Data Privacy Law (UK)
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Germany)
International Family Law (UK)
International Financial Law Review (UK)
International Geneva Yearbook (Switzerland)
International Insolvency Review (UK)
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Netherlands)
International Journal of Arab Arbitration (Netherlands)
The International Journal of Children's Rights (UK)
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (UK)
International Journal of Cultural Property (Switzerland)
International Journal of Human Rights (UK)
International Journal of Law and Information Technology (UK)
International Journal of Law in Context (UK)
International Journal of Legal Information (USA)
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (UK)
International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution (The Netherlands)
International Journal of Procedural Law (UK)
The International Journal of Restorative Justice (Netherlands)
International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family (USA)
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights (Netherlands)
International Law Association: Report of Conference (UK)
The International Lawyer (USA)
International Review of Industrial Property & Copyright Law (Germany)
International Trade and Business Law Review (Australia)
International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy (Switzerland)
Intertax (Netherlands)
IPRax: Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (Germany)
The Irish Yearbook of International Law (UK)
Islamic Law and Society (Netherlands)
Israel Law Review (Israel)
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (Israel)
Italian Yearbook of International Law (Italy)
Ivra: Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico (Italy)
Ivris Antiqvi Historia: An international Journal on Ancient Law (Italy)
Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart (Germany)
Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (Germany)
Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik/Annual Review of Law and Ethics (Germany)
Jahrbuch f;1ur Verfassung, Recht und Staat im Islamischen Kontext (Germany)
Japanese Annual of International Law (Japan)
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (Israel)
Jogtudományi közlöny (Hungary)
Journal des Tribunaux (Belgium)
Journal du Droit International (France)
Journal of African and International Law (Tanzania)
Journal of African Law (UK)
Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law (Hong Kong)
Journal of Civil Law Studies (USA)
Journal of Comparative Law (UK)
Journal of Comparative Law in Africa (South Africa)
Journal of Competition Law and Economics (UK)
Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe (Netherlands)
Journal of East Asia and International Law (Korea)
Journal of East European Law (USA)
Journal of Equity (Australia) Journal on European History of Law (UK)
Journal of Ethiopian Law (Ethiopia)
Journal of Eurasian Law (USA)
Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (UK)
Journal of European Tort Law (Germany)
Journal of Financial Regulation (UK)
Journal of Human Rights and the Environment (UK)
Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (Germany)
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (UK)
Journal of International Arbitration (Switzerland)
Journal of International Commercial Law (UK)
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology (Denmark)
Journal of International Criminal Justice (UK)
Journal of International Dispute Settlement (UK)
Journal of International Economic Law (UK)
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies (Netherlands)
Journal of International Law and International Relations (Canada)
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (The Netherlands)
Journal of Islamic Law and Culture (USA)
Journal of Islamic Law Review (India)
Journal of Korean Law (Korea)
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law (USA)
Journal of Private International Law (UK)
Journal of South African Law (South Africa)
Journal of South Pacific Law (Vanuatu)
Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d'Histoire du Droit International (Netherlands)
Journal of the Indian Law Institute (India)
Journal of World Intellectual Property (Switzerland)
The Journal of World Investment (Switzerland)
Journal of World Trade (Switzerland)
Jura Falconis: Juridisch Wetenschappelijk Studententijdschrift (Belgium)
Juridica International (Estonia)
Juridisk Tidskrift vid Stockholms Universitet (Sweden)
Juristen: Danmarks Jurist og Økonomforbund (Denmark)
Juristenzeitung (Germany)
Juristische Blätter (Austria)
Juristische Rundschau (Germany)
Juristische Schulung (Germany)
Juristische Studiengesellschaft Karlsruhe Schriftenreihe (Germany)
Jurnal Undang-Undang: Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (Malaysia)
Jus: Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche (Italy)
Jus Gentium: Journal of International Legal History (USA)›
Jussens Venner (Norway)
Kenya Law Review (Kenya)
King's Law Journal (UK)
Kings's Student Law Review (UK)
KJICL: Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law (Netherlands)
Korea University Law Review (Korea)
Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law (Korea)
Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (Germany)
Labeo: Rassegna di Diritto Romano (Italy)
Lakimies (Finland)
Law and Anthropology/Internationales Jahrbuch für Rechtsanthropologie (Austria)
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (Netherlands)
Law, Democracy & Development Law Journal (South Africa)
Law in Eastern Europe (Netherlands)
Law in History (Poland)
Law Yearbook of China (China, PRC)
Lawasia Journal (Australia)
Legal Issues of Economic Integration (Netherlands)
Legisprudence (UK)
Leiden Journal of International Law (Netherlands)
Lesotho Law Journal (Lesotho)
Liechtensteinische Juristenzeitung (Liechtenstein)
London Review of International Law (UK)
Lov og Rett: Norsk Juridisk Tidsskrift (Norway)
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (Netherlands)
Madras Law Journal (India)
Malayan Law Journal (Singapore)
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UK)
McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law (Canada)
McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law (Canada)
McGill Law Journal (Canada)
Melanesian Law Journal (Papua New Guinea)
Middle East Law and Governance (Netherlands)
Mishpatim (Israel)
Moi University Law Journal (Kenya)
Monatsschrift für deutsches Recht (Germany)
Moskovskiĭ Zhurnal Mezhdunarodnogo Prava/Moscow Journal of International Law (Russia)
Multimedia und Recht (Germany)
National Taiwan University Law Review (Taiwan)
Nederlands Juristenblad (Netherlands)
Nederlands Tidschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie (Netherlands)
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht (Netherlands)
Netherlands International Law Review (Netherlands)
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (Netherlands)
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (Germany)
Neue Justiz (Germany)
Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (Germany)
Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (Germany)
Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (Germany)
New Journal of European Criminal Law (Belgium)
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (USA)
New Zealand Yearbook of International Law (New Zealand)
Nigerian Bar Journal: Annual Journal of the Nigerian Bar Association (Nigeria)
Nihon University Comparative Law (Japan)
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (Nigeria)
Nomiko Vema (Greece)
Nordic Journal of International Law (Denmark)
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift (Denmark)
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly (UK)
Nottingham Law Journal (UK)
Nuclear Law Bulletin (France)
Ocean Development and International Law (USA)
Ocean Yearbook (Netherlands)
OECD Journal of Competition Law and Policy (France)
Die öffentliche Verwaltung (Germany)
Ondernemingsrecht (The Netherlands)
Osgoode Hall Law Journal (Canada)
Österreichische Juristen-Zeitung (Austria)
Osteuropa-Recht (Germany)
The Palestine Yearbook of International Law (Cyprus)
Palestra (Poland)
Panstwo i Prawo (Poland)
Peking University Law Review (UK)
Philippine Law Journal (Philippines)
Polish Legal Journal (Netherlands)
Polish Yearbook of International Law (Poland)
Pophak (Seoul Law Journal) (Korea)
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (South Africa)
Pravna Misul (Bulgaria)
Právnik (Czech Republic)
Právny Obzor (Slovak Republic)
Pravo Ukraïny (Ukraine)
Pravovedenie (Russia)
Proche-Orient: Etudes Juridiques (Lebanon)
Przeglad Sadowy (Poland)
Przeglad Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego (Poland)
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property (UK)
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Germany)
Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation (Germany)
Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft (Germany)
Recht in Afrika/Law in Africa/Droit en Afrique (Germany)
Rechtsgeschichte: RG — Zeitschrift für Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Germany)
Rechtskundig Weekblad (Belgium)
Recueil des Cours, Académie de Droit International de la Haye (Netherlands)
Recueil le Dalloz (France)
Recueil Penant (France)
Renmin Chinese Law Review (UK)
Responsa Meridiana (South Africa)
Review of Central and East European Law (Netherlands)
Review of European Administrative Law (Netherlands)
Review of European and Comparative Law (Poland)
Review of Ghana Law (Ghana)
Revista Boliviana de Derecho (Bolivia)
Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem (Brazil)
Revista Brasileira de Dereito Comparado (Brazil)
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic (Spain)
Revista Chilena de Derecho (Chile)
Revista Cubana de Derecho (Cuba)
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Revista da Ordem dos Advogados (Portugal)
Revista de Administración Pública (Spain)
Revista de Derecho Mercantil (Spain)
Revista de Derecho Procesal: Dirigida a Iberoamericana (Spain)
Revista de Derecho y Jurisprudencia y Gaceta de los Tribunales (Chile)
Revista de Direito Internacional (Brazil)
Revista de Investigaciones Juridicas (Mexico)
Revista de la Facultad (Argentina)
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México (Mexico)
Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Francisco Marroquin (Guatemala)
Revista Española de Derecho Internacional (Spain)
Revista Forense (Brazil)
Revista Jurídica del Perú (Peru)
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho (Mexico)
Revista Mexicana de Derecho Internacional Privado y Comparado (Mexico)
Revista Peruana de Derecho Internacional (Peru)
La Revue Administrative (France)
Revue Analytique de Jurisprudence du Congo (Congo)
Revue Belge de Droit International (Belgium)
Revue Burkinabè de Droit (Burkina Faso)
Revue Cirkevniho Prava (Czech Republic)
Revue Critique de Droit International Privé (France)
Revue de Africain: Doctrine and Jurisprudence (Belgium)
Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne (France)
Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law Journal (France)
Revue de Droit International et de Droit Comparé (Belgium)
Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre (Belgium)
Revue de Droit Pénal et de Criminologie (Belgium)
Revue de Droit Uniforme (Italy)
Revue de Droit, Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège (Belgium)
Revue de la Recherche Juridique: Droit Perspectif (France)
Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Pénal Comparé (France)
Revue d'Histoire des Facultés de Droit et de la Science Juridique (France)
Revue du Barreau (Canada)
Revue du Droit Public et de la Science Politique en France et à l'étranger (France)
Revue du Marché Commun et de l'Union Européenne (France)
La Revue du Notariat (Canada)
Revue Egyptienne de Droit International (Egypt)
Revue Européenne de Droit Public (UK)
Revue Française de Droit Administratif (France)
Revue Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial (France)
Revue Française de Droit Constitutionnel (France)
Revue Générale de Droit, Université de Ottawa (Canada)
Revue Générale de Droit International Public (France)
Revue Hellénique de Droit International (Greece)
Revue Historique de Droit Français et Etranger (France)
Revue Internationale de Droit Africain, Revue EDJA (Senegal)
Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (France)
Revue Internationale de Droit Economique (Belgium)
Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal (France)
Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité (Belgium)
Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur (France)
Revue Ivoirienne de Droit (Ivory Coast)
Revue Juridique de l'Environnement (France)
Revue Juridique du Rwanda (Rwanda)
Revue Juridique et Politique des États Francophones (France)
Revue Juridique Politique et économique du Maroc (Morocco)
La Revue Juridique Thémis (Canada)
Revue Québécoise de Droit International (Canada)
Revue Roumaine de Sciences Juridiques (Romania)
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil (France)
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique (France)
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen (France)
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit des Activités Économiques (Cameroon)
Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l'Homme (Belgium)
Rivista del Diritto Commerciale e del Diritto Generale delle Obbligazioni (Italy)
Rivista delle Società (Italy)
Rivista di Diritto Civile (Italy)
Rivista di Diritto Europeo (Italy)
Rivista di Diritto Internazionale (Italy)
Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale (Italy)
Rivista di Diritto Processuale (Italy)
Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto (Italy)
Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procedura Penale (Italy)
Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile (Italy)
Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico (Italy)
Roman Legal Tradition (USA)
Rossiiskaia Iustitsiia (Russia)
Rossiiskii Ezhegodnik Mezhdunarodnogo Prava/Russian Year-Book of International Law (Russia)
Russian Law Journal (Russia)
Russian Law: Theory and Practice (Russia)
SA Publiekreg/SA Public Law (South Africa)
Santander Art and Culture Law Review (Poland)
Scandinavian Studies in Law (Sweden)
Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung (Switzerland)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht (Switzerland)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (Switzerland)
Scientia Iuridica: Revista de Direito Comparado Portugues e Brasileiro (Portugal)
Semaine Juridique: Cahiers de Droit de l'Entreprise (France)
La Semaine Juridique: Juris-Classeur Périodique (France)
Shariah Law Reports (Malaysia)
Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law (Singapore)
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies (Singapore)
Singapore Law Review (Singapore)
The Singapore Year Book of International Law (Singapore)
Slovenian Law Review (Slovenia)
SOAS Law Journal (UK)
Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht (Netherlands)
Soochow Law Journal (Taiwan)
South African Journal on Human Rights (South Africa)
The South African Law Journal (South Africa)
South African Yearbook of International Law/Suid-Afrikaanse Jaarboek vir Volkereg (South Africa)
Spanish Yearbook of International Law (Spain)
Split Faculty of Law Journal (Croatia)
Der Staat (Germany)
Das Standesamt (Germany)
Stellenbosch Law Review/Regstydskrif (South Africa)
Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris (Italy)
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Poland)
Studies in Transnational Economic Law (Netherlands)
Studii de Drept Românesc (Romania)
Sudebnik (UK)
Sungkyunkwan Journal of Science and Technology Law (Korea)
Sur: International Journal on Human Rights (Brazil)
Svensk Juristtidning (Sweden)
Swedish Studies in European Law (UK)
Taibei Da Xue Fa Xue Lun Cong/Taipei University Law Review (Taiwan)
Tax Management International Journal (USA)
Tel Aviv University Law Review (Israel)
Theoretical Inquiries in Law (Israel)
Thesaurus Acroasium (Greece)
Third World Legal Studies (USA)
Tidskrift: utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen (Finland)
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap (Norway)
Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage (Netherlands)
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Burgerlijk Recht (Belgium)
Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (Belgium)
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (Netherlands)
Transnational Environmental Law (UK)
Transnational Legal Theory (UK)
Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française (France)
Tsinghua China Law Review (China, PRC)
Tulane European and Civil Law Forum (USA)
Turkish Commercial Law Review (Turkey)
Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law (South Africa)
Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg (South Africa)
UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (UK)
UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (USA)
Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen (Denmark)
University of Bologna Law Review (Italy)
University of Botswana Law Journal (Botswana)
University of Ghana Law Journal (Ghana)
University of Miami Inter-American Law Review (USA)
University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review (USA)
University of Tokyo Journal of Law and Politics (Japan)
University of Toronto Law Journal (Canada)
Uppsala Yearbook of East European Law (UK)
Veredas de Direito (Brazil)
Verfassung und Recht in übersee/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Germany)
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Europarecht (Austria)
Verwaltungsarchiv (Germany)
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Seriia Pravo (Russia)
Vietnamese Law Journal (Vietnam)
Vox Juris (Peru)
Weekblad voor Privaatrecht: Notariaat en Registratie (Netherlands)
Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis (Germany)
Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice/Recueil Annuel de Windsor d'Accès à la Justice (Canada)
The WIPO Journal (UK)
Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa (Germany)
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (Germany)
The World Bank Legal Review: Law and Justice for Development (USA)
World Competition Law and Economics Review (UK)
Xian Dai Faxue (Modern Law Science) (China, PRC)
Yearbook of Consumer Law (UK)
Yearbook of European Environmental Law (UK)
Yearbook of European Law (UK)
Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Netherlands)
Yearbook of International Environmental Law (UK)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (The Netherlands)
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (UK)
The Yearbook of Polar Law (Netherlands)
Yearbook of Private International Law (Netherlands)
Yearbook on International Arbitration (Belgium)
Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy (USA)
Yonsei Law Journal (South Korea)
Yugoslav Law (Yugoslavia)
Zambia Law Journal (Zambia)
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta Sveucilista u Rijeci (Croatia)
Zbornik Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu (Croatia)
Zbornik Znanstvenih Razprav (Slovenia)
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung (Germany)
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung (Germany)
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung (Germany)
Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins (Switzerland)
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht: Ehe und Familie im privaten und Öffentlichen Recht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (Germany)
Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Evangelisches Kirchenrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum/Intellectual Property Journal (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Austria)
Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht (Austria)
Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht (Switzerland)
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Zivilprozeß (Germany)
Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess international: Jahrbuch des internationalen Zivilprozessrechts (Germany)
Zheng Da Fa Xue Lun Tan/Chengchi Law Review (Taiwan)
Zhong Guo Fa Lü/China Law (Hong Kong)
Zhong Guo Fa Xue (China, PRC)
Zhong Guo She Hui Zhu Yi Jian She (China, PRC)