Effective Lawyering: The Meditative Perspective – CLE Information

Please find below written materials to accompany the CLE Presentations at the Oct. 30-Nov. 3 Effective Lawyering retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Mindfulness, Ethics, and Professional Responsibility – Rhonda Magee

Riskin, L. (2009). Awareness and ethics in dispute resolution and law: Why mindfulness tends to foster ethical behavior. South Texas Law Review, 50(3).

Peppet, S. (2004). Mindfulness in the law and alternative dispute resolution. From What’s Fair, 440-453.

Magee, R. V. (2010). Educating lawyers to meditate. UMKC L. Rev., 79, 535.

Effective Communications and Competent Representation: The Meditative Perspective and the California Rules of Professional Conduct – Charles Halpern

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Sec. 3-110 – Failing to Act Competently.

California Rules of Professional Conduct, Sec. 3-500 – Communication.

ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Sec. 1.1 – Competence.

ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Sec. 1.4 – Communications.

Harris, A., Lin, M.,
& Selbin, J. (2007). From ‘The Art of War’ to ‘Being Peace’:
Mindfulness and Community Lawyering in a Neoliberal Age
. California Law Review, 95, 2073-2132.

Mindfulness and Elimination of Bias – Rhonda Magee

Magee, R.V. (work in progress). The Mindful Lawyer and the Challenges of Diversity:The Benefits of Mindfulness in Differently Diverse Practice Settings.

Magee, R. V. (2010). Educating lawyers to meditate. UMKC L. Rev., 79, 535.

Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Addiction and Substance Abuse – Doug Chermak

Carlton, Richard. “Getting Help When You Need It.” California Bar Journal, Aug. 2006.

Marlatt, G. Alan. “Surfing the Urge.” Inquiring Mind, 2010.

Hanh, Thich Nhat. Five Mindfulness Trainings.

Transforming Legal Institutions Through Mindfulness: Examples From Legal Education and Criminal Justice – Rhonda Magee, Dan Carlin, Martha Ruch, Jonathan Simon, Ron Greenberg

“The Pledge to Give Back.” From Path of Freedom: Transformative Programs in American Prisons.

Symposium on Mindfulness in Law, Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 61, No. 4 (May 2012).