How to Prepare a Grant Proposal for Empirical Research

Center for the Study of Law and Society
Miniseries in Empirical Research Methods

Friday, November 14, 2008, 9 a.m. – 12 noon. Lunch to follow.

 Lauren Edelman
School of Law
Director, Center for the Study of Law and Society
University of California, Berkeley

This session will provide practical advice on how (and when) to prepare for and write a grant proposal for an empirical project.  It will cover how to write each component of the grant proposal: the abstract, the research question, literature review, theoretical framework and hypotheses (where appropriate), research design, feasibility, plan for data analysis, significance, budget, and principal investigator qualifications.  We will also discuss the process for applying for federal grants, the timing of funding proposals, the review process, issues that can arise in connection with IRB approval and the Sponsored Projects Office, and problems with multi-university collaborations and subcontracting.