Op-Ed: The House should not rush an impeachment vote this week (01/12/2021) Dean Erwin Chemerinsky argues against rushing an impeachment vote Lawmakers explore legal avenues to barring Trump from holding office in the future (01/12/2021) Professor Bertrall Ross discusses the legal implications of possibly trying to remove President Trump from power Congress can move fast if it wants to — and it’s moving fast toward impeaching Trump (01/08/2021) Dean Erwin Chemerinsky explains how the impeachment process could work in the wake of the riots at the Capitol Impeachment or 25th Amendment? DC Leaders Ponder Immediate Removal of Trump (01/07/2021) Professor Bertrall Ross discusses options for removing President Trump from office Plenty of complications in using 25th Amendment to boot Trump from office (01/07/2021) Professor Bertrall Ross explains why the definition of the 25th amendment must be kept narrow and precise Use of 25th Amendment to remove Trump unlikely, says law professor (01/07/2021) Professor Bertrall Ross discusses the implications of the assault on the U.S. Capitol for President Trump and American democracy A Look At The Court Battles Of The 2020 Presidential Election (11/05/2020) Professor Bertrall Ross appears on NPR’s On Point to discuss the latest litigation around the 2020 presidential election Forum: Electoral College in the Spotlight (11/02/2020) Professor Bertrall Ross appears on KQED’s Forum to discuss the role of the Electoral College and the ongoing debate over its relevance Podcast: Safeguarding The Electoral Vote (10/20/2020) Professor Bertrall Ross appears on NPR’s On Point podcast to discuss the integrity of the votes cast by America’s 538 electors Chemerinsky: Supreme Court affirms that president is not above the law (07/09/2020) Dean Erwin Chemerinsky explains what today’s Supreme Court decisions regarding President Trump’s taxes and finances means in the near and long term Previous Page 1 … 49 50 51 52 Next Page