Dean Erwin Chemerinsky joins Midday host Tom Hall to discuss the Constitution and his new book No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the UnitedStates.
Jeremy Fogel, executive director of the Berkeley Judicial Institute and a former federal judge and a judicial ethics expert, said expanding the court to 15 justices might improve the administration of the high court and cool the rancorous politics around nominating justices.
“It may seem strange and frightening to suggest thinking of a new Constitution at a time of great partisan division,” writes Dean Erwin Chemerinsky. “But that existed in 1787; in many of the states, the Constitution was just barely ratified.”
“I worry that our reverence for the constitution, and the understandable fears of the unknown, cause us to ignore the ways in which our governing document is contributing to the crisis now facing American democracy,” writes Dean Erwin Chemerinsky.