
Bankruptcy Research Database


Contains data on large, public company bankruptcy cases.


Congressional Research Service Judicial Nomination Statistics


Statistics for U.S. District and Circuit courts from 1945-1976


Congressional Research Service Judicial Nomination Statistics


Statistics for U.S. District and Circuit courts from 1977-2003.


ICPSR Federal Court Cases Integrated Database


Coverings the years 1970 – 2000, the purpose of this data collection is to provide an official public record of the business of the federal courts.   Includes data on the filing and termination of cases, both criminal and civil.


Martin-Quinn Scores U.S. Supreme Court


Measures the relative location of U.S. Supreme Court justices, from 1937 to the present,  on an ideological continuum in order to better understand the politics of the court.


National Center for State Courts Court Statistics Project


The Court Statistics Project collects and analyses data relating to the work of the state courts.


State Supreme Court Data Project


Contains information on state supreme court decisions in all fifty states during their 1995 – 1998 sessions.  This archive has 21,000 decisions reached by over 400 state supreme court justices seated during those years.


University of South Carolina Judicial Research Initiative


The mission of the Judicial Research Initiative is to provide a comprehensive access point to the most recent and cutting-edge research on law and judicial politics.   The site includes electronic datasets of court cases and a  wide range of data on the US Supreme Court and US Courts of Appeals and attributes of US federal court judges.


U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics


Presents detailed comparative data by State trial and appellate courts in the United States. Topics covered include: the number of courts and judges; process for judicial selection; governance of court systems, including judicial funding, administration, staffing, and procedures; jury qualifications and verdict rules; and processing and sentencing procedures for criminal cases. Diagrams of court structure summarize the key features of each State’s court organization.


U. S. Courts Bankruptcy Statistics


Statistics on bankruptcy petition filings are available for 12-month and 3-month periods ending September 30 (the fiscal year), December 31 (the calendar year), March 31, and June 30. Tables dating back to 1990s–and sometimes earlier–available on line.


U. S. Courts Federal Court Management Statistics


Provides statistical profiles for each of the 12 U.S. courts of appeals and 94 U.S. district courts–plus national totals for the appellate and district courts–for the fiscal year ending September 30. Presents data based on the number of authorized judgeships and provides rankings among the appellate courts and among the district courts. Compares current fiscal year data to data for previous five fiscal years. Publications dating back to 1997 available on line.


U. S. Courts Judicial Facts and Figures


Provides current and historical caseload statistics for the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts, and bankruptcy courts for the fiscal year ending September 30. Table 1.1 is a good source for judgeship information, including the total numbers of active and senior appellate court judges, district court judges, magistrate judges, and bankruptcy judges.


U. S. Courts Judicial Business


The most comprehensive set of detailed statistical tables published on the work of the federal Judiciary, plus charts and text explaining why increases or decreases occurred in the courts’ caseload. Provides data for the fiscal year ending September 30 for the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts and bankruptcy courts; the probation and pretrial services system; and other components of the federal Judiciary. Judicial Caseload Indicators table compares the Judiciary’s current fiscal year caseload to its caseload 1, 5, and 10 years earlier. Publications dating back to 1997 available on line.




U. S. Courts Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary


Prepared twice each year, with one volume reporting data for the 12-month period ending June 30, and the other volume reporting data for the calendar year ending December 31. Detailed statistical tables address the work of the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts and bankruptcy courts, as well as the federal probation and pretrial services system. Judicial Caseload Indicators table compares data for the current 12-month period to that for the same period 1, 5, and 10 years earlier. Publications dating back to 2001 available on line.


U.S. Courts Wiretap Reports


Uses tables, text, and charts to report information provided by federal and state officials on orders authorizing or approving interceptions of wire, oral, or electronic communications for the calendar year ending December 31. Presents data on types of offenses under investigation, nature and locations of intercept devices, costs and durations of intercepts, and intercept extensions granted. Does not include names, addresses, or phone numbers of subjects under surveillance. Publications dating back to 1997 available on line.


Washington University Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse


Cases and documents related to civil rights litigation that have been coded and indexed so that users can search the collection in a large variety of ways.


Washington University EEOC Litigation Analysis


Data on federal court litigation brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


Washington University Supreme Court Forecasting Project 2002


This project compared the accuracy of the different ways in which legal experts and political scientists assess and predict Supreme Court decision making.